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Love Quotes


Submitted By harl25
Words 370
Pages 2
I love you for the simple things. The ways in which you are far from perfect. You may be charming, but you're also nerdy. Sometimes I am asked what I see in you. I don't respond, but I can't help but smile. If they knew what I saw in you, maybe they'd see it too and that scares me.

Do you now what its like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back?
To watch them look at someone else the way you look at them. With complete adoration and amazement.
To watch them hold someone else the way you desperately wish to hold them. With warmth and affection.
To watch them kiss someone else the way you so badly want to kiss them. With need and pure passion.
Do you know what its like to be completely, irrevicobly in love with someone who doesn't love you back? To watch that person love someone else the way you so hopelessly love them.
Its heartbreaking. Yet...
You don't give up on that love. You don't give up on it because a love like that, so pure and so full, is one of a kind. And if you are lucky enough to experience it, even unreciprocated, it is a beautiful thing.

One day, you'll find your person.
Your person will be the one that you risk everything for. They'll make you feel like every moment is precious. Like time could stop forever, and with them, life would be breathtaking. They won't be perfect and you'll notice everything about them. Their smile. Their laugh. The way they look at you from the corner of their eye. The way their clothes fit. The way they talk, the things they say.
And when you find them, when you realize that they're your person, they'll be the luckiest person alive. Because they'll have you.

It's kind of funny, isn't it? We learn that anything we want in life we have to work to get it, yet with love, what everyone wants most, you just have to wait around until it finds you.

Hang in there little heart.
We've done

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