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Love You


Submitted By FluffehPapaya
Words 355
Pages 2
significant reality.”
So what else do we think we cannot live without? Another of life’s essentials is a good internet connection, according to a second study of British homebuyers.
One in 10 house-hunters say they have walked away from a home because of poor internet connections. In fact, high-speed internet ranks above off-street parking, a doctors’ surgery nearby and a good local pub, according to the survey by
Other changes to our spending choices, according to recent surveys, are:
• switching to free forms of exercise such as walking
• using price comparison websites to get the best deals
• travelling off-peak for cheaper tickets
• buying food on offer in the supermarket
• shorter holidays
However, some households are spending more on some items – but still making a trade-off. Around a fifth are prepared to spend more money on a single item of clothing as they feel they will get more wear out of it and it will last longer, according to a survey from First Direct.
In addition, a quarter say they would have a shorter holiday, but stay in a nicer resort. One in five do not drink in the week so they can enjoy going out at the weekend.
Karen Pine, professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, says: “Millions of years of evolution have hard-wired our brains for offset thinking. Our primitive ancestors survived by making trade-offs - always reallocating resources to get the best from them. Modern decisions are different of course but people continue to engage in this type of thinking, whether it's for food, holidays or travel, and will offset to get the best deal they can.
“So it's not surprising that many people see the sense in offsetting and use it as a way of really making their money go further.”
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I Love You

...I love you!! I love you. These famous three words are associated with a very famous computer virus. The virus originated in the Philippines and was created by two young Filipino programmers. This computer virus infected tens of millions of computers and cost over $5.5 billion dollars in damages worldwide. The computers were infected so rapidly that in ten days 50 million computers were infected. The virus was successful at propagating because of several reasons. One of the main reasons was that the virus was sent by email and came from someone you know, as the virus sent itself to the first 50 contacts in Outlook. Since it came from someone that you knew people would open it without any thought. Another reason it was successful was that it depended on some of the vulnerabilities of the Operating System, in this case the file was a VBS script and Microsoft’s scripting engine was on by default. It was also good at confusing computer users because even if you were computer savvy the virus tried to mask its extension in the filename by using .txt in the name. the virus also was a pain because it ran at boot up and also replaced and damaged files in with these extensions. JPG, JPEG, VBS, VBE, JS, JSE, CSS, WSH, SCT, DOC, HTA, MP2, and MP3. It replaced the files with these extensions with copied of itself. . The virus also downloaded a Trojan. This was also a time that no one was worried about computer security so you can imagine the damage this computer virus did. Nowadays it...

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