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Macbeth and the Prophecy


Submitted By XfrEzz
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10HB Literary Analysis Assignment

Macbeth and the Prophecy

In the beginning of the play, the three witches told Macbeth about the prophecy that he was doing to be the thane of Cawdor, then the king of Scotland. Although Macbeth’s own choices plays a larger role in his downfall, the prophecy was also an important part of the down fall. Macbeth’s down fall was caused by both Macbeth’s own choices of deciding to get his throne by killing and to be a ruthless tyrant, and the witches’ prophesy acting as a “catalyst” (Bernad, 59) in this chemical reaction. Macbeth probably entertained the idea of murder before meeting the three witches (Firkins, 417). This can be tell by Banquo’s words after the witches tell Macbeth’s prophecy: “Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair? (Act I, Scene iii)” Macbeth’s fear of the prophecy showed that he had thought about getting his throne by killing king Duncan; he was afraid that his thoughts will came true. Judging from his idea of murder, Macbeth has “unquestionable physical courage”, and also ambitious and unprincipled (Firkins, 417). Although Macbeth has ethics and reasons of not killing Duncan, but he cares more about getting into and stay in the throne than anything else. He dares to do whatever “bloody businesses” to maintain his position, even those businesses causes him a great feeling of guiltiness (especially the killing of Duncan), which eventually leads to his down fall. Although Macbeth’s decisions plays a larger role in his down fall, the prophecy does cause his down fall in certain ways. The three weird sisters and Lady Macbeth, which has similar role as the witches, act as catalysts in Macbeth’s down fall. They does not plant the desire of the crown in Macbeth (Bernad, 59), but it is already there. Instead of planting the desire, they have the role of pushing

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