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Madison Noelle Aitken


Submitted By JLTT
Words 1125
Pages 5
Jada Tucker
Nick Martin ENGL 1113
2 October 2015
Madison Noelle Aitken
Within modern day America material possessions are everything. What you drive, what you wear, and where you live can say a lot about your social standing. It’s understandable that you want to be surrounded by fancy thing, there comes a time in your life when you realize there are more important things. In Madison’s case it was the welfare of her beloved friend who was suffering with some mental health issues. Knowing that her friend couldn’t overcome her depression alone she had an idea. After several hours of shopping and crafting she had come up with cards that each had inspiration quotes. Madison began to place these cards in her friend’s locker every morning, but she didn’t sign them. Although some might see it as a random act of kindness, this was who Madison was. At a young age it was clear that Madison Noelle Aitken was no ordinary child. Unlike many kids she didn’t fuss or act selfish when sharing. Her mother couldn’t recall a time in her youth when she was ever difficult in any way. “She was always an easy going child, she never gave me any problems,” she said. Compared to other mothers with toddlers her age, Malinda Aitken had relaxed, giving child.
Throughout the years, Madison's personality had flourished along with her maturity. Although merely eighteen years of age, she has been able to positively influence and uplift the lives of many through her good deeds. Thanks to her father, Ross Aitken, Madison learned all the qualities which she possesses: determination, and always being selfless. These teachings that Malinda taught her helped mold her into the strong person we know today.
To some, the mere action of sacrificing one's time and energy to help another is plenty of service for one day. On the contrary, Madison’s mentality of always striving to go one step further truly shines through the memory of becoming a volunteer staff member at her church camp. This camp was put on Shorewood Christian Church every year the campers are youth from shelters and adoption agencies throughout Seattle. Every summer she attends this camp devoting 3 weeks without any pay to help brighten their day. But her job of helping was never finished. In spare time she volunteers at the local food bank and tutors children at the middle school. In middle school she was often the target of bulling. Then standing a mere five feet she seemed defenseless to those who towered over her small but wide statue. She was raised in the Mormon Church that caused conflict within her friendships. Yet, these incidents only empowered her. She eventually lost weight, gained muscled, and became infatuated with cheerleading. And whenever a statement towards Mormons were mentioned within class, shed proudly stand inform the class that he grandparents are Mormon. The conflicts that she began to fun she faced head on and because of this she gained the respect that she deserved. She quotes her friends as her inspiration “Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.”
During her senior year of high school a childhood friend of ours lost her life to cancer. Our school offered grief counseling and allowed us to place a memorial in front of her locker so we could all show our love for a friend that lost her fight. Madison didn’t like many were saying she lost her life. Rather she gained a new one in heaven. She began to speak on the friend she had known since preschool and it lightened the spirit of those around her. Her friends began to celebrate rather than morn knowing that she wasn’t hurting anymore. That atmosphere isn’t easier changed but Madison managed to change it for the better.
The day I first met Madison was in the 4th grade; we both were trying out for the softball team. I had never picked up a bat nor thrown a softball and we easily discouraged. I was new to the neighborhood and had no friends on the team. She quickly came to me and introduced herself, she was my first friend. It took longer for the other girls to warm up to me but I knew that I could look forward to having one friend that would be there for me.
Now nine years later I had the pleasure of getting to know Madison as my best friend. She has helped me overcome some obstacles in my life that I didn’t believe I would be able to get through on my own. I was the friend that she made cards for to brighten my day and is constantly showing her love and gratitude for. She volunteers her time throughout the community helping those when the need it the most. Madison is a great girl and she has helped me more than she may ever know. Her smile has become imprinted on my heart and I can’t wait to see her again.
“I once thought I had it hard and then I met someone who had it worse. Making them feel better makes me feel better. You only have to knock down one domino for the next to knock down many.” She explained. “I have been called every name possible and have stood up to those who hurt me the most and I still smile. I am who I am and no one can change that but I can try to help change them.” Because of ideas like this Madison was honored with the Chief Sealth International High School Humanitarian Award given one senior every year.
Since then much has changed. Madison is no longer the short, chubby, awkwardly happy kid she once was. She now stands at 5'7'', and although she might not be so awkward she's definitely become a much happier person. She's now a Pre-Med major at the University of Washington-Seattle. She is a fantastic friend whose examples of countless acts of kindness have helped many people. But her heart isn't made of gold. Her heart is made of glitter. The one and only thing that will always put a smile upon her face, regardless of how hard or stressful the day may have been, glitter. And what better way to describe her upbeat, colorful, fun, and sweet spirit? The best part yet, is that just like her opinion on service; Madison can never have enough glitter. Some may wonder why glitter but when handling glitter it tends to make its way onto everything it lands on and stays for a while. Madison Noelle Aitken is someone you will ever forget.

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