Premium Essay

Manager, Leader, Administrator


Submitted By sallyzhou106
Words 539
Pages 3
Question 3 Leaders, managers and administrators are synonyms. When people talk about these three words, thinking they have the same meaning. No doubly, there are some similarities between these three words, however there are also many differences. Besides, we may distinguish between a general manager and a specialized manager. In this essay, I will discuss about the similarities and differences between leaders, managers and administrators, besides, talking about general manager and a specialized manager. The job of leaders, managers and administrators are all make decision and work like “head” in an organization. However, they are in different level and focus on different aspects. An administrator is lower than leader and manager. They carry out decisions made by general managers. The leader or manager executes his decisions by trying to influence his administrators who are at lower level in the organization. The leader or manager lead or manage the decision making process. But managers may make decision in or after management meetings. Secondly, leaders/managers lead/manage on the whole organization, and administrators administrate on the part of organization. Administrators perform a kind of manager extension function. They are part of the managerial structure. Thirdly, leaders or managers are placed at different levels. At higher levels leaders make more decisions that require extensive analysis and complicated negotiations, while managers at lower levels make more concrete, specialized decisions (Kenneth R. Brousseau). Forth, the accountability or responsibility of a leader is covering everything, whereas “A manager is accountable for everything within his assigned area” (George Kenning). Leaders are more concentrate on people, he or she make decision and inspire his staff to do with. Managers are more concentrate on project, he make decisions about how

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