Premium Essay

Managing Change in the Workplace


Submitted By RaEh
Words 2614
Pages 11
Managing Change in the Workplace

Change is uncomfortable for many people. It is important, when managing change to take into consideration many different things. As an executive director of a non-for-profit, there may be many different responsibilities that you must take on and/or manage other staff in doing that some other agencies do know recognize or have to deal with. It is important to communicate with staff and other involved of the management style and changes that you plan on implementing. In addition, it is important to have understandings that change in inevitable at some point and it could be your executive director themselves.

INTRODUCTION For most people, any type of change is uncomfortable. Therefore, when managing change in the workplace, it is vital to help people see that whatever they've been doing in the past can no longer take place-that neither they, nor the business, will be pertinent without change. Managing change in the workplace is a constant for all leaders. In order to stay significant as a business you must regularly redefine your way of operating, your product and/or service offerings and the impact you have on your customers and expansive community. According to Homes (2013), as you are leading change, big or small, see to it that these four elements are done: build a sense of urgency, create a clear tomorrow, get people involved at the right level and have clear actions and expectations. This paper will explore changes in management (executive director), literature review associated with this type of change, analysis of the current situation that is grounded in research, literature and theory, synthesis of alternative approached to successfully implement the change and a summary in moving forward. The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) provides forensic interview, case

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