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Managing Change Paper


Submitted By huachano
Words 1468
Pages 6
Managing Change Paper Part 1

Managing Change Paper Part 1
The team has decided to use the Coca Cola Company as its example within the organization of what needs to change. The Coca Cola Company has had its formula and been in business since 1889 and like many Fortune 500 companies may not feel the need to make any changes or fix something that isn’t broken. The team has decided that the diet soft drinks and the natural soft drink division should be expanded upon. Coke was last in developing its Diet Coke product leaving the soft drink TAB to do the work for them. Their competitor, Pepsi was way ahead of them as well as RC Cola. Although marketers and developers continually asked Coca Cola to develop a Diet Coke product, they did not wish to use their name for this kind of beverage. The product TAB is now 50 years old and still takes a huge percentage of the market place.
The Diet Coke product is number three in the US for overall beverages; clearly the Coca Cola Company has the overall market share and needs to change by expanding into new products that do not have the fructose corn syrup and heavy sugar contents or chemical sweeteners. So what types of contrast continuous and discontinuous change will that mean in this scenario?
Every large corporation that has ever existed has gone thru many types of changes along the course of its existence. Coca Cola Company has many years in business in which its consumers have experienced several product changes: some of them well accepted and some of them rejected. The types of changes implemented within the Coca Cola Company that we will be discussing are the continuous and discontinuous changes. Continuous changes refer to the changes that follow one after the other. In other words, they are changes that act as stairs would; one step is the continuation of another. Some of the areas need to keep

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