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Managment and Leadership


Submitted By driverbs
Words 1157
Pages 5
Management and Leadership Management versus Leadership is an often discussed topic. Some believe that both are the same and others believe they are completely different. Managers can be leaders and leaders can be managers. Some people are better managers than leaders and vice versa. Managers and leaders have many different responsibilities within any organization. Both are needed to create and maintain a health organizational culture. Managers tend to be thought of as ones who deal with the day-to-day tasks of an organization, whereas leaders can effect change in people. True leaders inspire others to do things and motivate them to keep going. Managers give the method to change and organize how it will be done. There are many great managers who are also great leaders. There are also many great managers who are not great leaders and great leaders who are not great managers.
“According to the current wisdom, managers are principally administrators—they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress. Leaders on the other hand, get organizations and people to change. That's true, as far as it goes, but there is a more useful distinction between management and leadership: Management is a function that must be exercised in any business, leadership is a relationship between leader and led that can energize an organization.” (Maccoby 2000) Due to the differences and similarities between managers and leaders, it needs to be brought to everyone’s attention what each person’s roles and responsibilities are within the organization. If there are people within an organization that are strictly there to lead, it needs to be known. These can be the ones who teach others how to do their job and motivate them to do it. If an individual is simply there to manage an organization, all personnel within should be aware of this role as well. These can be people

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