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Mapuche Women Equality

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One other main obstacle of the Mapuche people consisted in the concepts of both gender equality in and out of their culture. And both the Mapuche people and the outside forces of the government had some sort of control of the gender inequality, as well as the classification of rank in their societies. Gender equality was an enormous topic in the twentieth century. The Mapuche also had their own gender jobs and statuses. Illustrated in this citation, is the true respect of identity of the indigenous women. Even though woman had some sort of freedom in achievements, their main job was to reproduce. As stated,“Indigenous woman play an integral part in performing indigenous identity in Argentina... Woman are expected to physically and culturally …show more content…
The government of the twentieth century also played an important role in the rights of the Mapuche people and their individual classifications. But at the end, they were still classified as “groups”, and labeled by the government. As explained by Sarah D, Warren, “Latin American racial classifications differ from U.S. ones in an important way, however: the historical presence of a mixed-race category: Mixed- race category: Mixed- racial identity, labeled mestizaje was often perceived by state elites in Latin American countries as a positive national... The fact that it rendered indigenous and African identity invisible.” (Warren, Sarah D) Throughout history the Mapuche people, have fought to get to where they are with “dis-informed” treaties, to having being “conquered” or taken part in brutal warfare. The Spanish were an important part of the milestone of their wars, in which their main goal was to destroy the Mapuche people. This history of the Mapuche may have not happened in the twentieth century, but it influenced all the events of the twentieth century; so it is …show more content…
This caused many benefits to the Mapuche people, and many negative consequences to the government and their opposing fighting forces. This proves the strength of such a “small”, “and non-irrelevant” group of indigenous people. One example we can use is the Arauco War. “It is said that the best Spanish class of warfare, and in fact held their lines through the first attack of the Mapuche's... Half the Spanish men were dead, the auxiliary Indian's numbers dwindled. Pedro de Valdivia, who was an experienced warlord knew their situation was desperate.” (“The Arauco War”. Spanish Wars.) The real reason the Mapuche people and their military was seen as weak because they are an indigenous tribe, and had little technology. Which is very ironic in my opinion, because at the end they were the one’s to beat the Spanish. “Pedro de Valdivia...he wanted to conquer land, conquer the natives and get their gold... The Mapuche's... Were prepared the next time, when [the] conquistador came to Chile in 1541..[and] attacked the recently founded city of Santiago.” (“The Arauco War”. Spanish Wars.) As any conquistador, their main mission was to take land for a reason, and similarly to Francisco Pizarro and the Incan empire, they all want to gain extra wealth to bring back to their homeland. Same was for Pedro de Valdivia, who heard that in the lands of the Mapuche people lies

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