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Marketing of Jessops


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“Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customer will find credible and aligned with their values”.
Simon Mainwaring
“Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customer will find credible and aligned with their values”.
Simon Mainwaring

Jessops Marketing Analysis


LSC| Cardiff Metropolitan University

Jessops Marketing Analysis


LSC| Cardiff Metropolitan University

Students (Group 12): * Abdelmalek Jib, L0299ZALZAL1014 * Barbaros Donmezer; LO295KGSKGS1014 * Diogo Figueira, L0317VSAVSA1014 * Supachai Tangthamphoonphon L0304RCGRCG1014 * Zacharia Peter, L0313AAHAAH1014;

Students (Group 12): * Abdelmalek Jib, L0299ZALZAL1014 * Barbaros Donmezer; LO295KGSKGS1014 * Diogo Figueira, L0317VSAVSA1014 * Supachai Tangthamphoonphon L0304RCGRCG1014 * Zacharia Peter, L0313AAHAAH1014;

Table of Contents
Table of contents………………………………………………………………………….. Page 1
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2
Marketing Environment: PESTLE………………………………………………………………………………... Pages 3-4 SWOT analysis………………………………………………………………………. Pages 5-6
Mission and objectives…………………………………………………………………….. Page 7
STP analysis……………………………………………………………………………. Pages 8-9
7P’s ………………………………………………………………………………… Pages 10-17
Control and evaluation……………………………………………………………............ Page 18
Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………………… Page 19
Appendix 2……………………………………………………………………………… Page 20
References………………………………………………………………………....... Pages 21-22

Introduction As Frank Jessop transformed Jessop’s company into a photography shop back in 1935, it sold 16mm of cine films leading to its growth and finally being a retail photographic company. As they grew they heavily invested in digital technology and launched various branches around London that created new jobs. In 2013 Jessop’s had more than 180 stores before collapsing leading to over 1370 unemployed workers. This was due to falling of sales margins each year. Not only that but also they faced competition from various companies such as HMV and Dixons. This led Jessop to be under new management of Peter Jones who is about to relaunch new stores all the UK.

PESTLE Political Factors: Like all the other companies, Jessops also have to comply all important laws. Political factors mostly focus on economy, law (Environmental, labor etc.), regulations, taxes and tariffs. Jessops is really careful about giving those demanding factors acting such as keeping trash bins in their store for dead batteries. Moreover, they’re trying to obey recycling regulations as possible as they can, helping with national funds to councils, creating new jobs for the economy, providing collections.

Economical Factors: As the country’s economy changes same as the company because it they depend on each and when affected consumers are automatically affected too for instance the 2008-2009 recession in the UK leading to high unemployment. This recession made customers to spend less leading to huge impact on Jessop’s as its sales begun to decline. To maintain this crisis Jessop’s decided to focus on the services side of business. Also its competition level plays a huge rule on its economy as Jessop’s has many competitors for instance Amazon, HMV and Curry’s Pc world. By focusing on its online services and giving customers more choice of products it will help Jessop’s to gain competitive advantage and increase their sales margin.

Social Factors: Nowadays, we can divide consumers in two age groups: young generations that mainly use digital technology and online shopping, and on the other hand a more elder generation that prefer printed photos instead of storage data and print in-store services. Therefore, it is crucial to Jessops to satisfy and present solutions to the demands to both types of customers. Although Jessops needs to keep the needs of the traditional customer, since 65% of the photo business is associated with producing standard prints, they also, need to respond to upcoming technology by creating iOS and android apps to order, purchase and create photo-books that can also be used to interact with a diversity of social network anywhere the customer is. In addition, Jessops is developing product for niche markets such as: * Services for students who need to produce portfolios, including art and design work; * Short print runs of personalized products such as headed notepaper, business cards and calendars; * Products designed specifically for professional and amateur photographers. Today’s customers want products and services as soon as possible, that said Jessops to respond to this social changes offers a 25-minute service for prints or a one-hour imaging gift service for products such as photographic wall art, posters, banners and photo books.

Technological Factors: Since the coming of smartphone era, Jessops sales have decreased according to people prefer more smartphones rather than digital cameras. Nowadays, the smartphones camera can do everything that digital camera can do. Also , smartphones camera provide many applications for customers to make their pictures obtain a better quality such as 360, Fotorus, or one of the biggest applications that people all over the world are using: Instagram . With this situation, Jessops has changed their point of view by focusing on printing pictures rather than selling cameras, but Jessops has facing a problem in which they will many competitors who are in the photo printing business. In addition, Jessops has to improve their photo printing technology and cameras in order to gain competitive advantage. Also, Jessops has to provide many service and promotions to be more attractive and attract customers.
Legal Factors: these are related to the legal environment in which firms operate. In recent years there have been many significant legal changes that have affected business emanating from the UK. The introduction of age discrimination and disability discrimination legislation, the minimum wage and greater requirements for firms to recycle are examples of relatively recent laws that affect businesses. Legal changes can affect a firm’s costs (if new systems and procedures have to be developed) and demand (if the law affects the likelihood of customers buying the good or using the service). Different categories of law include:
Consumer Laws: These are designed to protect customers against unfair practices such as misleading descriptions of the product;
Competition Laws: These are aimed at protecting small firms against unfair practices by larger firms and ensuring customers are not exploited by firms with monopoly position;.
Employment Laws: These cover areas such as redundancy, dismissal, working hours and minimum wages. They aim to protect employees against the abuse of power by managers;
Health and Safety Legislation: These laws are aimed at ensuring the workplace is as safe as is reasonably practical. They cover issues such as training, reporting accidents and the appropriate provision of safety training, systems and equipment. Environmental Factors: As the UK is giving big interest in environment and health, and it is stated in the UK's regulations, recycle is a big subject. Jessops from its side is doing a great job concerning recycling as in each jessops store there is a box where customers could drop batteries as well as providing the electronic collection facilities. that helps the company in terms of reputation and social factors.

Jessop’s strengths * Marketing campaigns online and offline
-This involves online shopping which enables customers to buy products easily and time saving. And when you shop online customers get discounts and offers also guidance on how to take quality pictures and appropriate equipment for your needs.

* Long history leading to strong brand name -It has been 89 years since Jessop focused on photographic retail business. This is more than most of its competitors making it more trustable and well known to the public. Its long serving is due to well-trained staffs and innovations of its products each year for instance the revolution of cameras that have automatic focus making it easy and producing quality images.

* Superior technology for instance they offer a photo portrait service where customers can transform their portraits into gifts. Also high quality cameras that could capture speeding objects in motion.

* Diverse range of products - Jessop’s expands its market by selling multiple products for instance binoculars and telescopes, tripods and stands, studio lighting and printers. This enables customers to buy variety of products which saves time and expenses towards searching for other places.

* Proper staff training -Jessop has hired well know ledged staffs and not only that but also they have been trained so as to provide proper services to customers.

Jessop’s weaknesses

* Less online presence and competition compared to others. They should offer more choices for online customers plus a delivery. * Poor positioning

* High cost
-Most Jessop products cost large amount of money compared to it performance. This leads to low demand and drop in sales for such products. For instance binoculars are very costly although people could prefer using their own cameras for zooming and other staffs. * Inadequate distribution
-Jessop’s stores are not that much distributed towards various places. They are mainly focused on large cities making harder for its goods to reach rural places.
Jessop’s opportunities

* New technology
-The advance of technology on various products could make Jessop come up with better ideas and high quality products with low cost consumed. For instance transforming cameras into 3D form although much investment is needed on this. * Global expansion -Due globalisation countries share products by importing and exporting. This is good way of expanding Jessop’s market worldwide.

* High demand
Currently photographic business is getting higher and people demand advanced and high quality cameras. Due to this Jessop could mainly focus on its lenses production so as to provide quality results in terms of pictures.

Jessop’s threats

* High mobile technology
-Mobile phone is causing a huge threat to Jessop’s as they also produce phones that have high quality cameras. This makes less demand of such products in the market and Jessop as one of its high sellers to lose its market leading to its downfall.

* High competition
-Competition in terms of attracting more customers so as to gain competitive advantage. Jessop’s face competition from their rivals. * Price changes
-Jessop ranges their price in terms of products’ performance and brand names but such similar product could be sold less from its competitors. This could be a huge threat because customers prefer cheap products. * Innovations
-Due to advanced technology Jessop’s has also transformed its products so as to attract more customers so as to cope up with its competitors. For instance cameras that are touch screen and provide internet access.


Nowadays Jessops mission statement is “With our extensive range of cameras to photo printing and photography courses, we offer everything you need to get the best from your photography.”*
In other words they simply provide their customers all kind of cameras with variety of choice and photographic equipment via both online ,website (, and retailers; allowing them to look at cameras using so-called play tables, instead of traditional cabinet displays.


According the graphic, Jessops share price drastically declined in 5 years. And apparently will continue that way if the major steps are not taken immediately.

1 - Increasing the product sales by 10% until the mid-2015 by making small but beneficial and crucial discounts to improve Jessops market share price.

2 - Decreasing the time to respond customer’s calls’ queries by 5 minutes by the end of 2015 to increase customer’s reviews online***, and earning good ratings.

3 - Increasing the budget for advertisements on the newspapers, online websites and public transportation by 35% to attract more customers by the end of 2015’s first quarter.

4 - Increasing the worker’s knowledge about the products they sell in retail shops to offer customers better support in early 2015.

5 - Reducing the retail shops’ amounts by 25% and opening 4 big shops in important places in the city to reach more customers easily and less workers to increase company’s budget by the beginning of 2016.

Segmentation for Jessops

About segmentation of Jessops camera store, the company used the base of segmentation as B2C (Business to Customer) with these 4 elements: Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic and Buyer Behavior.

About demographic, Jessops company provides many branches and service all over in the UK to connect to their customer who living in the UK or foreigner who’s traveling to the UK. In Jessops, their focus is to young teenager to adult between ages of 19-35 whom prefer to take a picture with their camera instead of using their smartphone. Nowadays, many people have return to buy a camera because the camera can provide more quality of the picture than using a smartphone. So, Jessop provides many kinds of products about cameras and separate it to many different genders. Example, a Polaroid camera for young teenager who likes to collect their Polaroid picture, a video camera for adult to keep their special moments or a telescope for the customer who loves to adventure. With this demographic separation, Jessops can be an answer for customer who is looking for many kind of camera. Also, in each branch of the store, Jessops camera stores are located in the middle of the area for customer easily to find or customer can go checking for their online website for checking the price before come to store.
Therefore, Jessop stores provide a lot of good quality of camera with many international brands such as Canon, Nikon, Sony and etc. Moreover, Jessop camera stores provide many series of each camera in the store to make an optional to the customer to buy the camera which is suitable to their lifestyle.

About buyer behavior, Jessop camera store aims to the customer who want to use a good quality of the camera instead of using their smartphone, also Jessop camera store targeting from customer who’s wanted to buy the camera in cheap price and a lots of option from customers who just start using the camera to the customer who’s a professional photographer. So, the psychographic and buyer behavior of Jessop is focused on the customer who’s just start using a camera with a reasonable price and a lots of option from cheap camera in to an exclusive high end camera.

Targeting of Jessops camera stores

About targeting of Jessops, Jessops focuses on a niche marketing customers aged between 19 -35 who prefers to use the good quality camera instead of their smartphone. Therefore, they also target an customer who loves to traveling and adventure because this group of customer like to take a picture or video of their special place or their special moment. So, their primary and secondary data will be:

* Primary Data- Customers between aged of 19 -35 who’s wanted to use the good quality camera instead of using their smartphone; * Secondary Data- Customers who loves traveling and adventure.

Nowadays, many smartphone provide a good quality of camera in their smartphone for customer to don’t have to carry a big camera. Also, many smartphone companies have many applications for customer to make their picture become more beautiful. So, the price of the camera in Jessop store will be cheap and more optional more than the originally store of the product for customers can afford. Not only just a camera, Jessop also provide many type of an accessories and many type of the camera such as Binocular, Telescope, Memory disk, Bags and etc. Moreover, Jessops store target on an online shopping because nowadays online shopping are become more popular since the era of internet, so Jessops store provide an delivery service for customer who have no time to visit the store, instead they can check the price and buy the product from their website or they can also reserve the product online and collect them at the store free of charge. About the promotion of Jessops, Jessops offer a lots of service to customer such as free delivery service within 50 £ of purchasing or free set up service for customer who just bought the product and didn’t know how to set up or needed an advice from the professional in store , Jessop also will help you with professional staff

Positioning of Jessop

Since the coming of smartphone, Jessops sells has been decreasing and have to shut down many of their branches all over in the UK. Therefore, Jessops has to create a new brand image to be more catchy and attractive to the customer. So, when people see Jessops store or website, they will always think about the camera store which provides many camera brands. In positioning of Jessops camera store, they will position technology devices as a digital camera to responses their purpose of selling a digital camera. Not only the brand image, but also Jessops provides the slogan “Image is everything “for customers when they see this quote, they will know that they are seeing a Jessops camera store.

Product Jessops, as known is UK’s top photographic equipment retailer, therefore to keep that reputation Jessops only works with top brands such as, Nikon, Canon, Sony, etc. in all sorts of design and function to respond the needs of their customers. When Peter Jones got in charge of Jessops he did some changes for the better and these were the services introduced to make costumers purchases much easier and consequently increase sells: * Play Tables - Customers will be able to interact with equipment and try before they buy. * The Jessops Academy - Photography courses for all levels can be booked in store. * Collect@store - Collect online purchases at your local store. * Expert Assistance - Highly trained sales assistants, many trained with camera manufacturers. * Biggest Range In Europe - Wide range of cameras from Europe's biggest brands. * Photo Printing - 25 minute express service as well as high quality prints to canvas and posters within the hour. This product and service differentiation can be analyzed in matters of quality such as, market share and growth, but, also in their time development. This first analysis being done on a BCG matrix: | High Market Share | Low Market Share | High Market Growth | * Action cameras; * Interchangeable Lenses Cameras. | * Compact Digital Cameras; * Photography Courses. | Low Market Growth | NA | * Camcorders; * Binoculars. |

Appendixes 1 and 2

That said, we can also follow thru their time development:

Product Life Cycle: Concept

Introduction: Photography Courses.
Growth: Action Cameras.
Maturity: Interchangeable Lenses Cameras.
Decline: Compact Digital Cameras, Binoculares, Camcorders.

Drone Photography George r. Lawrence in 1906, with a camera mounted a balloon took the first “drone” photograph. Nowadays, looking to the future of action photography, Dji’s Phantom and A.R. Drone, top photography brands when comes to aerial photography, are a good partnership to ally to Jessops in order to gain competitive advantage over its rivals as a market penetration, since in the UK it’s only available thru online shopping. The balloon used (left) and the first ever aerial photo of Boston after the huge fire of 1906 (right) To launch this product, Jessops could make demonstrations and outside play tables in which customers could interact and experiment this new technology that general population is not aware. In addition, Jessops with its intensive distribution channels could easily reach general public thru public and online advertisement, optional promotions in which customers could take a go pro cheaper than if sold separately.

Dji’s Phantom 2 (left) and A.R. drone 2.0

Price As UK’s largest photography store, Jessop’s has the reputation and expertise when compared with his major competitors Argos, Currys PC World, John Lewis, Park Cameras, World, Wex Photographic, supermarkets, and it’s online competitors such as amazon, e-bay, etc. That said Jessops seeks price leadership, although its competitors are also top brands, Jessops guarantees their price are the best you can find in the market, as quoted from Jessops website: “we’re committed to offering great service and unbeatable value for money whether you choose to buy (…) If we find a competitor offering a better nationwide price for an identical product, model and sold with the same service conditions and in stock we will lower our price to match immediately Pricing Strategies Jessops as a retailer to have competitive advantage on his opponents always has to have the newest releases; the latest example is the go pro and Wi-Fi cameras. With this market penetration they can also ask for a higher price, since it’s a new product, and as soon the competition increases they release a new version and then lower the price stabilizing and growing sales. Another is the so called optional and seasonal pricing which consists in selling a product associated with another product, accessory or service in which attracts costumers for the low price you get for the whole set, maximizing the number of purchases by the costumer, and, seasonal since Jessops intensifies these promotions on Holiday times. The Psychological Pricing Jessops use which leads to create a psychological impact the unaware costumer to think the price is cheaper than if it was a round number.

Place When Jessops failed in January 2013, one of the reasons pointed for this closure was the dependence of the Jessops on its suppliers since the brands did not need Jessops as much as Jessops needed them. So, when they got back on their feet, Jessops found better channels of distribution. As said, Jessops presents an intensive distribution since they open as much shops as they can, another factor is as I previously mentioned the search being the lower price in the market.
Suppliers That said Jessops needs efficient channels of distribution for its products to reach it’s currently working 33 stores nationwide and its online costumers.


Gordon Brothers
Gordon Brothers



Gordon Brothers: Gordon Brothers’ is the responsible of the wholesale logistics process, instead of sorting the majority of the wholesale inventory to Jessops premises, they sorted to their own. In addition, Gordon Brothers introduced a wholesale client base that Jessops will be able to use in the future, particularly to clear old and obsolete inventory. Motive: The Motive team has guided Jessops through the complexity of e-commerce, design and development, online shopping, reservation of in-store stock and instant payment facilities. The site integrates a catalogue of 40,000 products, so customers can place and track orders for home delivery or collection at any of Jessops’ stores. The solution incorporates some leading edge technology which, in real time, checks store availability, reserves stock, and manages dispatch and distribution. In order to reduce operating cost I would recommend Jessops to reduce their distribution channels more specifically the motive, since they already have the website launched and they could leave their IT team to ensure quality of the website.
Since Jessops has an intensive distribution strategy their main goal is making their product messages clear and reachable to everyone and that’s why they have an integrated marketing communication, which consists in 4 elements of Kotler’s marketing communication mix.
Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing

Sales Promotion

Sales Promotion

Advertising: From all the types of advertising thru the internet, the media, etc., their most impressive way of advertisement nowadays is the so called “Affiliate program” in which any website can advertise their products in trade for a share of the price of all products that are sold thru that website, the great advantage of this programme is to cut the cost, making it a win-win scheme. In addition, Jessops in its catalogues and brochures also appeals for emotional values and a more comfortable environment, as shown on the images: Advertisements using an emotional appeal considering the activities people like to do Public Relationships: When we speak about the PR in Jessops we first have to speak about the most obvious example of all, is the fact that Dragons Den star Peter Jones, a well-known entrepreneur, toke charge of the company in 2013 and re-launched the company. Also when Jessops relaunched the Oxford Street store in London they attracted a considerable media interest and was attended by celebrities including the actor James Corden. Peter Jones and James Corden Sales Promotion: Jessops to increase customer loyalty, to trial a product or brand, or dispatch old merchandise does various types of promotions, such as: Trade Promotions: as referred on Jessops website, from time to time Jessops will allow their costumers on exchanging their old cameras for new ones, in this way encouraging trade ups; Voucher Codes: Jessops has innumerous Vouchers to give and incentive costumers to buy, keeping customer loyalty and uprising low profit sales, that said Jessops makes less money per item, but, increases the number of total sales; Consumer incentives: Jessops incentives their customers to buy products and/or accessories, simply using discount promotions, such as: “ buy this certain item and we’ll offer you this accessory”, etc. Cashback Offers: Jessops in attempt to clear certain merchandise or attract costumers makes limited time offers of cashback promotions to their costumer. Direct Marketing: Jessops does its direct marketing thru online services, which sends you all their promotions, vouchers, offers, etc. You can join this thru the website by subscribing or by

People The company should have the right people inside to support the products and/or service. The staff that has the ability to provide support with clearly known expectations, such as giving some special touch and extra hours of work, is the key of giving a top-level customer satisfaction. Regarding JESSOPS. Tiffany Holland on his analysis about the decline of JESSOPS has written a part explaining the way the staff was trained to provide advice and information to the customers as well as introducing new products other than cameras. Moreover, superiors inside the company are following new and modern strategies to improve abilities of the staff as much as they can since they believe the customer service needs to be without any mistake. In his article, KERRY MCDERMOTT illustrates the odd situation of the most of JESSOPS employees whilst the company was facing very tough difficulties. Many of their employees were licensed so they have shown their actual state by sticking their pictures and information in stores windows claiming that this is the only way they can save themselves. Processes After reading an interesting article illustrating the relationship between JESSOPS and its customers, It is agreed that the company despite difficulties is trying hard to give a full satisfaction by offering many options and opportunities to people interested in arts, such as the PHOTOBOOK which is a way to collect the most pictures that people love in one book, as well as options for students that can create their own portfolios and design works. I need to mention that JESSOPS is also offering quiet a good delivery service with a "try before buy" as well as the possibility to return items. Physical evidence

As you can see, votes have been set up and the result is that customers are quiet satisfied with jessops services so that we can say that the reputation is good and the view that people have got about the company is almost perfect. In addition, shops designs all around the UK is nice looking and getting along with modernity as a result in term of look and design, the company is doing well.
Control and evaluation This part is a way to evaluate how the company is being in the market considering sales, profits, market share etc. This gives the ability to check if aims and objectives are achieved or not.
Sales analysis According to Jessops objectives, there is a wish to increase sales by 20% by the mid of 2015, sales until the mid of 2012 have increased by only 3% comparing to 2011. However, there is a big hope that sales will rise widely in the upcoming years since the online shopping is getting more and more popular.
Market share analysis With a huge range of products and massive discounts, there is a big potential for the company regarding market share price; as we know if the sales will grow as the objectives are claiming the market share price will increase considerably.
Marketing expenses This part includes two main strategies that Jessops is setting up currently in order to maintain a stable line. First, there has been a rise of 35% in general expenses such as advertisements, transportations and others. Secondly, reducing the number of shops by 25% and trying to open 4 big stores in famous locations in the UK so that expenses will decrease and staff also, that could possibly improve the company's budget by the end of 2015.
Balance scorecard Beginning with customers, Jessops is using a continual market research in order to know how customers feel about the company's service; last research has showed that 94% of customers rate the service as good or excellent, thing that helps the company a lot.

LAD Generally, by the end of 2015 there will be a general evaluation about the improvement of the company as well as changes that need to be set up, for now, numbers and details are claiming that the company is on the right way and might get his old reputation.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Economical Factors: file:///C:/Users/student/Downloads/jd-sports-edition-17-summary%20(2).pdf file:///C:/Users/student/Downloads/jessops-edition-16-lesson-resource-economic-factors.pdf
Social Factors:
Tecnological Factors: * Technology Factors: Amy Birch (2013) , Peter Jones relaunches Jessops stores . * Jim Riley (2008) , Heavy losses in focus at struggling Jessops . * Martha Tolosa (2012) . Jessops - eCommerce Strategy . * Professor Ellie Semsar (2014) . Jessops PESTLE analysis . - Professor Ellie Semsar (2014) . MM class .
Legal Factors:
Environmental Factors:
SWOT Analysis: STP:
Mission and objectives:
*Mission Statement:
***Internet reviews

Products and services:
Drone Photography:
Statement (price):
Gordon Brothers:
Affiliate program:
3p’s and control an evaluation Tiffany HOLLAND, RETAILWEEK (2013) Why the shutters closed on camera specialist JESSOPS.[Online] Available from:[Accessed: 27th November 2014]. Kerry MCDERMOTT, DAILYMAIL (2013)Snapshot of desperation: Doomed JESSOPS staff appeal for new jobs by sticking their pictures in shop window. [Online] Available from:[Accessed 27th November 2014]. BUSINESSCASESTUDIES, RESPONDING TO THE CHANGES IN THE MARKET ENVIRONNMENT.[Online] Available from:
REEVOO (REVIEWS OF JESSOPS). [Online] Available from: 2012

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...FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROCUREMENT EFFICIENCY IN PRIVATE HOSPITALS IN KENYA (A CASE STUDY OF CONSOLATA MISSION HOSPITAL, NYERI) NDUNG’U MARGARET NJERI A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LOGISTICS AND SUPLLIES MANAGEMENT DEDAN KIMATHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE IN BACHELOR OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT. MARCH 2015 DECLARATION I Ndung’u Margaret Njeri, declare that the material in this research project has not been submitted to any university or institution of higher learning for any academic qualifications. This research project is a result of my own independent research effort and investigation Signature …………………………… Date………………………… Ndung’u Margaret Njeri ADM No.: B011-0678/2011 This research Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as The University Supervisor: Signature…………………………... Date……………………… Mr. ZakaryNjoroge DEDICATION This project is dedicated to my mum Ms. NjokiNdung’u for her financial and moral support geared toward my academic success; also to my friends Benson Kiarie, Ivy Patrick and Lucy Githinji for their support and motivation. Table of Contents DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii List of figures vi List of tables vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii ABSTRACT viii LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ix OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS x CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the...

Words: 10641 - Pages: 43

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Are Idea’s Such as Mutualism and Industrial Democracy of Relevance to the 21st Century Business Management?

...Introduction to management Barak Remalli DATE \@ "d MMMM y" 9 April 2015 “Are idea’s such as mutualism and industrial democracy of relevance to the 21st Century business management?” The world as we know it today is in constant advancement of technology and knowledge. In result, economists have developed a myriad of theories that have shaped and changed the way we manage people, time and resources. Organisation theorists such Russell Ackoff, Warren Bennis & Chris Argyris have been advocating the need for a more ‘free-form, humanistic, and democratic organisation’ (Nodoushani & Nodoushani para. 23), whereas theorists with the names of Henry Ford and Frederick W. Taylor oppose such notions. Some theories stand true and thrive in today’s economy, while others have faded as time has progressed. However, are ideas such as mutualism and industrial democracy of relevance to the twenty first Century business management? Is there still social and economic inequality? Or do citizens have natural rights to liberty, justice and property? Perhaps these ideas may have been diminished with time? This paper argues that the business management has had a major shift in its structure due to the concepts and influences of mutualism and industrial democracy. Although these ideas may not be prevalent in its purest form, there have been major refinements in the structuring of management in twenty first century, including the focus on de-layering and a more co-operative environment....

Words: 1788 - Pages: 8

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Describe How Either Taylor or Ford Changed Organisational Management and Workplace Practices. Critically Analyse How They Continue to Influence Contemporary Organizational Behaviour

...Understanding Organisational Behaviour IB1230 ID: 1323413 Describe how either Taylor or Ford changed organisational management and workplace practices. Critically analyse how they continue to influence contemporary organizational behaviour Student ID: Word count: 1976 Submission Date: 1 1323413 20/01/2014 Understanding Organisational Behaviour IB1230 ID: 1323413 Introduction “In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first.” Frederick Winslow Taylor. In the late 19th century, Frederick Winslow Taylor, known to many the forefather of scientific management, sparked the automation revolution, the third great transition in the history of humanity (after the Neolithic Revolution, a result of the development of agriculture around 6,000 B.C and the industrial revolution in the 18th century) (Souza, 1999, p.1). However, it can be argued that Taylor’s greatest contribution to capitalism was not the revolution itself, but how Taylorism brought about the era of competition and syncretism with contrasting or corresponding concepts on organisational management and workplace practices, particularly Fordism, which arguably extended the dynamics of Taylorism centered on the use of assembly line. This essay will examine how Fordism developed organisational management and modified workplace practices by exploring known historical application of its principles and theories. Thereupon, it will further analyse how elements...

Words: 2420 - Pages: 10

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Activity System

...Porter’s value chain model (Oliveira and Gimeno, 2014, pp. 68-69) will be used to give a brief introduction of the main activities which would add value to the products of Amazon, some analysis of the coherence between business model and these activities will also be given. For the analysis of value chain, support activities are combined with primary activities since both of them are related to add value on producing products or rendering services for customers, and you will find out that most of the focus is on reducing costs and Customer Service. In terms of inbound logistics, to offer lower price products to customers, combined with the procurement process, Amazon purchased some of the stocks directly from publishers rather than from distributors to get the best bargain (TV Khmer Bayon, 2011); Also, by utilizing accurate forecasting system (Willden, 2015) , Amazon has the capability to gather sufficient information from customer to avoid the returns to suppliers, which reduce the costs as well. Both of the actions are in consistent with selling products at cheaper price. To get the quicker delivery for customers, which in according with improving customer service, Amazon started keeping the frequently-sales products in stock even on holidays and Amazon has partnered with the U.S. Postal Service to leverage underutilized weekend capacity. As for operations, Bezos decided to outsource some of the inventory management in 2001 in order to cut operational cost so that Amazon...

Words: 620 - Pages: 3

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Collective Bargaining and Accounting Impact on Nfl Franchises

...DATE: November 16, 2015 FROM: Tyler Haertzen TO: Dr. Stanley SUBJECT: Collective Bargaining and its Accounting Impact on NFL Franchises Introduction The purpose of this memo is to describe to the reader the basic structure of the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement and its impact on the accounting decisions of a traditional franchise in the National Football League. Just like most other businesses, an NFL franchise is a business whose goal is to generate as much profit as possible while precisely adhering to specific rules and regulations of not only the IRS, but also the league itself. This mainly includes the league’s Collective Bargaining Agreement, which contains certain rules that owners have creatively exploited. The activities of franchise league owners are often viewed as being limited to acquiring, managing, and trading players, but few understand that there are complex accounting practices that go on in the team offices that make all of these transactions possible. The following paragraphs will begin to examine what NFL franchise owners have to account for with the CBA and how they maximize profits with these limitations. What is the CBA? The NFL’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is an agreement between the franchise owners of each NFL team and the NFL Player’s Association. It is split into two separate concepts that are also intertwined: revenue sharing and player compensation. The NFL uses these two components to promote competitive balance...

Words: 1620 - Pages: 7

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Kraft Foods

...Student-Nr. W11035726 Total words: 2790 1. A good acquisition program helps the acquirer to identify a target partner. An acquisition program should contain a clearly defined core strategy, the goals of this activity, and a detailed risk management. The identification of the right company depends on the analysis of target market. Companies react when they recognize benefits in some certain markets. It is essential for an acquirer to analyse the market, is there any market in transition that could lead to any competitive advantages or any business capacities that could be useful (Chatterjee). Kraft has to consider which qualifications they seek in the business partner and which one complementary or expand their capacities. (Cavusgil, Knight and Riesenberger, 2008) An analysis of the macro environment of Kraft shows that they have the opportunity to become the world’s largest confectionery. This market prospect allows Kraft to minimize the threats of competitors. It is a strategy to eliminate or to minimize competitors. (Chatterjee) In food and drink manufacturing, the technology is relatively mature. The global food market shows oligopolistic structures and the competition is intense. As a result of that, the market growth almost remains static. (Ramsay, 2000) In addition, different national tastes and preferences may cause also restrictions for international expansion. (Kapferer, 1997; Yip, 1992). A lot of companies consider acquisitions as essential strategies...

Words: 3438 - Pages: 14

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Short Critical Essay Explaining How the Poor Economic Climate in the Uk Might Affect the Marketing Mix of a Start-Up Retail Venture in the High Street.

...Write a short critical essay explaining how the poor economic climate in the UK might affect the marketing mix of a start-up retail venture in the high street. I will look critically at setting up a retail business on the high street in the current economic climate and the affect this may have on the marketing mix. I will first give a brief overview of the economic situation in the UK and high street retail in general. The UK economy has undergone a protracted period of instability since the banking crisis of 2007/08, which sparked economic downturn for the UK and caused a dramatic fall in both consumer and business confidence. Between 2008 and 2012, the UK experienced two periods of recession and has been subject to austerity measures, such as public spending cuts, welfare reforms and increased taxation, imposed by the UK Government in an attempt to reduce the country’s budget deficit and reverse economic decline. These measures coupled with high inflation, rising levels of unemployment and low wage growth have contributed to less disposable household income and subsequently lower consumer spending across most of the UK. The economic constraints of the last five years, such as falling consumer spending, increasing operating costs for businesses (20% rise since 2006) alongside less available, affordable borrowing to businesses have led to large numbers of high street retailers closing their doors. The Centre for Retail Research (2013) reported that 54 retail companies...

Words: 1967 - Pages: 8

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Effects of Poor Quality Goods and Services Procured by Govenrment Agencies on Service Delivery; a Case Study of the Ministry of Health Kericho District Hospital

...EFFECTS OF POOR QUALITY GOODS AND SERVICES PROCURED BY GOVENRMENT AGENCIES ON SERVICE DELIVERY; A CASE STUDY OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH KERICHO DISTRICT HOSPITAL BY CHERUIYOT KIPYEGON BEN BBM/3111/12 A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO MOI UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT AND REQUIREMEENT FOR THE AWARD OF A DEGREE IN BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MARKETING MANAGEMENT OPTION FEBRUARY 2014 DECLARATION DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE This research study is my original work and it has not been presented to any other Institution. No part of this research should be reproduced without my consent or that of Moi University SIGN: ______________________DATE: ____________________ CHERUIYOT KIPYEGON BEN BBM/3111/12 DECLARATION BY THE SUPERVISOR This Research has been submitted with my approval to Moi University as the candidate’s research proposal supervisor. SIGN: _______________________DATE: ____________________ MR. J. OMANGA SUPERVISOR - RESEARCH PROPOSAL DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my family for their unwavering support that saw me complete the research project, more so to my Sisters Florence for ensuring that my study was a success and Lily for proof reading this research proposal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to thank my Supervisor Mr. James Omanga for his guidance...

Words: 6786 - Pages: 28

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Consumer and Food Waste

...Consumers and food waste – a review of research approaches and findings on point of purchase and in-household consumer behaviour Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica1; de Hooge, Ilona2; Amani, Pegah3; Bech-Larsen, Tino1; Jenny, Gustavsson3 1 MAPP - Centre for Research on Customer Relations in the Food Sector, Aarhus University, Bartholins Allé 10, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. 2 Wageningen University, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, Then Netherlands. 3 SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden - Food and Bioscience, Box 5401, SE-402 29, Göteborg, Sweden. Paper prepared for presentation at the EAAE-AAEA Joint Seminar ‘Consumer Behavior in a Changing World: Food, Culture, Society” March 25 to 27, 2015 Naples, Italy Consumers and food waste – a review of research approaches and findings on point of purchase and in-household consumer behaviour Introduction Around a third of the world´s food is wasted at various steps of the supply chain (FAO, 2011). In Europe, the largest and increasing share is wasted at the consumer level (EPRS, 2014). The issue has gained considerable public attention in the past years, with a large number of initiatives developed by different stakeholders such as policy makers, retailers (e.g. France, Intermarché, 2014) and NGOs (e.g. Denmark, Stop spild af mad, 2014), and research projects that have and are exploring the issue (CONANX; FUSIONS). Furthermore, the European Parliament has called for 2014 to be the ‘year against food waste’...

Words: 2960 - Pages: 12

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Asess Wether a Business Meets Its Aims and Objectives

...Assess whether a business meets its aims and objectives D1 In this assessment I will look at Tesco and how its aims and objectives are being met or not for 2012, the following assessment has taken information from Tescos own website on its financial and annual review report. 2012 has been a challenging year for the leading supermarkets due to high fuel costs, high taxes, real incomes not growing so people are adjusting their shopping habits. The UK's biggest supermarket chain, Tesco, has reported its first fall in profits since 1994. Pre-tax profit for the six months to 25 August came in at £1.7bn, down 11.6% from the same period last year. The fall in profits was largely due to spending on the retailer's £1bn investment programme to improve its UK stores, which was announced by chief executive Philip Clarke in April. Mr Clarke put that down to the investment programme, which has already put 8,000 additional staff in existing stores at a cost of £200m a year. He also said that the Everyday Value range was growing fast due to the pressure being felt by customers. "They tell us they're resigned that this is the new norm. They don't have great expectations that things are going to improve in the short term," Tesco is investing £1bn in its UK stores and the money is beginning to show, although little of it is revolutionary. Modest profit growth is observed through 2011/2012 due to challenging economic conditions, strong international growth at the offset of reduction...

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