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Submitted By jstix
Words 896
Pages 4

Mercadona adheres to a rather unique model as it pertains to operating principals in the supermarket industry. The company embraces its role as a member of the society and attempted to contribute to the overall improvement of circumstances in the communities it served. The company believes wholeheartedly in completely fulfilling its customer’s needs while simultaneously satisfying the needs and personal aspirations of its employees. The commitment to those two initiatives proved costly and required extreme attention to detail and active decision-making in order to avoid detrimental effects. Because the company failed in its efforts to remain on top of trends and respond accordingly, it suffered decreases in net income during the worldwide recession.
Mercadona’s ability to provide the lowest prices to consumers while simultaneously investing in store employees stems around the principals of its Total Quality Model. The model and the practices associated with it are geared toward satisfying each one of five components of the business and therefore insuring success. At the forefront of the model is the customer, to which the company referred as “the Boss.” The customer service mindset is pervasive through every level of employee and therefore assured that all activities resulted in customer satisfaction. One key component of that satisfaction is price, and the company worked to maintain consistently low prices. Mercadona was constantly looking at ways to cut costs like every other retailer, but the company made a point of passing any savings along to the customer instead of treating those savings as simply a method of improving profit margin. Mercadona also contributed to customer satisfaction by insuring a complete, convenient and timely positive shopping experience or customers with the added benefit of providing methods of contact with management in

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