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Mgt 311 Conflict Management Plan


Submitted By amari13
Words 1278
Pages 6
In this paper Team A is responsible for developing teams for Riordan Manufacturing’s newly designed CardiCare Valve heart valves. The location of these teams is in Pontiac, Michigan, which produces plastic parts for the organization. Team A will develop a Team Strategy Plan of which we will identify several strategies in building viable teams, identify challenges or barriers that may occur, determine the best approach, and measure the teams efficiency.
While developing these teams, Team A will create a Conflict Management Plan of which we will analyze the teams strengths and weaknesses, implementation of different conflict management strategies, select the best approach, identify potential challenges, and consider alternate strategies that will foster an efficient team.

The Various Strategies Available to Build Teams Riordan Manufacturing is striving to create the perfect teams of employees to generate the best possible production of the newly designed CardiCare Valve heart valves. Creating those perfect teams requires much planning and organization. An important thing that Riordan needs to think about when trying to construct their teams is the number of members of each of the team. Generally speaking, the most effective teams have five to nine members (Robbins & Judge, 2011). When teams are larger, coordination and communication amongst its members may be an issue making it harder to get work done. Another thing for Riordan to consider when building their teams is the purpose each of the teams. Effective teams begin by analyzing the team’s mission, developing goals to achieve that mission, and creating strategies for achieving the goals (Robbins & Judge, 2011). Setting goals are important for the success of the teams because then all its members know the ultimate goal and everyone know what they are working towards. When

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