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Submitted By Giants81
Words 1655
Pages 7
The New Great Generation Writers Joel Stein and Josh Sanburn make some particular and rhetorical choices in their portrayals of Millennials in their article posted in TIME magazine, “The New Greatest Generation”. The assessments they make are broad in their descriptions about the generation known as the Millennials: They’re narcissistic, They’re lazy, They’re entitled, They’re selfish, and even a bit delusional. Those are not just unfounded negative stereotypes about 80 million Americans born roughly between 1980 and 2000 (Stein and Sanbrun 3). The authors analyze a decade of sociological research. In this article, they examine the overwhelming negative data about Millennials and argue that rather than being inherently self-centered or overconfident, Millennials are just adapting quickly to a world undergoing rapid technological change. In this article they use a factual tone. The authors effectively use the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos to convince a mainstream audience that Millennials are adapting quickly through expert testimony and scientific data. While interviewing psychology professors, and english professors, the authors use a Journalistic approach as they employ a logos appeal for their article “The New Greatest Generation,” meanwhile convincing the mainstream audience that Millennials are adapting quickly to their ever evolving with technology and social media driven world. A psychology professor at California State University at Dominquez hills author of iDisorder says in reference to the Millennials,“They might look calm, but they are deeply anxious about missing out on something better. According to Rossen, 70% of them are looking at their phones every hour, and many experience phantom pocket-vibration syndrome. ” They’re doing a behavior to reduce their anxiety ( Rossen 4). Is it really for their anxiety? The answer? No!

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