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Mocking Bird


Submitted By englishluffy
Words 660
Pages 3
TO Kill a Mocking Bird Essay
In the novel "To Kill a Mocking Bird" courage is displayed by several characters in many different and unique ways. The characters I found most fascinating displaying an overwhelmingly strong amount of courage in significant ways include Jean Louise Finch (Scout), Jeremy Atticus Finch ( Jem), and Atticus Finch. These three characters are a family which displayed Courage in very unique ways which help amend themselves and others which possibly look up to them (changing opinions for the better).
Firstly, Scout demonstrates courage in very momentous ways which include reading to Ms. Dubose, resisting fighting others, and confronting the mob outside of Maycomb jail. Despite the fact that Scout wasn't punished and forced to read to Ms. Dubose; she went there in want of helping her brother out who was punished and forced to read to her ( their thoughts of Ms. Dubose being mean and cruel change when they find out her true desire of dying drug free). Scout's resistance to fight after remembering Atticus's words shows very amazing courage because her favourite thing to do was get into fights with others and show her strength( I drew a bead on him, remembering what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away, "Scout's a cow- ward!" ringing in my ears. It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight). Another very momentous way scout demonstrates courage is when she stands up to the mob confronting Atticus at Maycomb jail ; despite being told to leave immediately by her father Atticus scout refused and stayed there to help him.
Secondly, Jem shows courage in different ways which include running back to Boo Radley's house to get his pants (moral courage), not bragging about Atticus being the best shot (mental courage), and trying to help Scout get away from Bob Ewell (physical courage). Despite Jem's great fear of Boo Radley

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