Premium Essay

Modern Weight Loss


Submitted By cdtoaktown
Words 1509
Pages 7
Making changes in your daily exercise and maintaining a healthy diet can help you start on your path to a healthier life. Even though, several countries have a high obesity rank, the United States still rank the highest for adolescent obesity as well as adult obesity. The United States currently ranks number one in obesity. Obesity accounts for a numerous amount of aliments, which include but no limited to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and even some types of cancer.

Taking control of your health and weight can be a difficult task, but it needs to be done to live a health life and to eliminate certain aliments. When starting to make a life changes such as losing weight, it is wise to consult a health professional to lead you to the right path for one’s self. Every diet or exercise plan is not right for everyone. Everyday people have to face the dilemma of losing weight the old fashion way, or taking the steps to using bariatric surgery to help them concur their weight lose goals. Nevertheless, whichever one a person choses, it still takes dedication and hard work to overcome their weight lose challenges.

In essence, it is important to incorporate the six dimensions of health into your daily life and find a way to balance them so that you can achieve overall health. The six dimensions of health are physical, social, intellectual, emotional, environmental, and spiritual health. When the six dimensions of health are included in one’s daily life, they will find that one’s life will change for the better. Having the correct amount of fruits, vegetables, and water in a person’s daily diet is extremely important. There are several dietary tools that one can find helpful to guide them on the weight lose journey, which includes pedometers, calorie counters, the food pyramid, and multiple websites and cell phone apps. The food pyramid gives the

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