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Moral and Cognitive Development


Submitted By kenia360
Words 1326
Pages 6
Running Head: Cognitive And Moral Child Development

Cognitive And Moral Child Development Case Study Tanya Coleman Psy 200A Teaching and Learning

Does a child’s biological factors influence their behavior? My case study is about an 8.6 year old boy who faces biological, social, and emotional issues at the early stages of his cognitive and moral development. The observation takes place at Tyrell’s school. I am going to apply Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological approach, and Kohlberg’s theory of moral development as it applies to my case study. Besides, I will give an insight of the stages that Tyrell has undergone thus far. In Tyrell’s case environmental issues played a major part in his early development.

Tyrell is an African American boy that is 8.6 years old in the 2nd grade. The school he attends is P.S. 36 in Manhattan. He is asthmatic. Tyrell is currently being raised by his mother. His father is incarcerated for assault and robbery. Tyrell recently lived with his grandmother. He is currently living in a shelter with his mother. Tyrell attended the same school since pre-k. He has seen a lot of his friends go on to the 3rd grade while he remains in 2nd grade. Tyrell has a displacement issue at home because he lives in a shelter. Tyrell likes basketball. Tyrell aspires to be a basketball player. He has been held over in the 2nd grade, and he has apprehensions about doing it a second time around. Also, Tyrell has difficulty staying on task, and he has acting out behaviors.

According to Bronfenbrenner, development occurs through increasingly complex process of regular, active, two-way interaction between the developing person and the immediate, everyday environment (Bohlin,

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