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Most Commonly Abused Drugs and Their Effects.


Submitted By jannamore
Words 4399
Pages 18
Most Commonly abused drugs and their effects. 1. Alcohol- With over half (52.5%) of U.S. population identified as drinkers, alcohol is the #1 abused substance in America. An estimated 135.5 million people drink alcohol, but of those people, 86 million are considered to be abusers, which include heavy drinking, binge drinking and underage drinking. Twenty-three percent of the population participates in binge drinking (59.7 million) and 6.5% of the population reported heavy drinking (17.0 million). An estimated 81.4% of people who drank alcohol for the first time were younger than age 21 at the time they started drinking, and 9.3 million underage people aged 12 to 20 were current drinkers.
Short term effects of alcohol include: * Slurred speech * Drowsiness * Relaxation * Feelings of pleasure * Distorted vision * Impaired judgment and slowed thinking * Decreased perception and coordination * Unconsciousness * Blackouts (memory lapses where the drinker cannot remember events that occurred while under the influence)

Long term effects of alcohol include: * Liver failure * Brain damage * Sexual dysfunction * Fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth defects during pregnancy * Stomach ulcers * Malnutrition * Weight gain * Risk of cancer in the mouth and throat * High blood pressure * Increased risk for stroke and heart-related diseases * Tolerance and physical dependence * Addiction

2. Tobacco- In 2012, an estimated 69.5 million Americans over age 12 were current users of a tobacco product. Across age groups, current cigarette use was highest among people aged 21 to 25. Among youths aged 12 to 17 who smoked cigarettes in the past month, over half (54.6) percent also used an illicit drug, compared with 6.4 percent of youths who did not smoke cigarettes.

Short-term effects of

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