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Msc Marketing


Submitted By powsers7
Words 2443
Pages 10
Clocky: The Runaway Alarm Clock

Stephen Power
MSc Marketing Full-Time

Dr. Andrew Keating

Consumer Marketing

In the autumn of 2004, an MIT Graduate Student named Gauri Nanda came up with an idea for an innovative alarm clock as part of an electronics project. Less than one year on, she was appearing on Good Morning America and the Today Show showcasing her innovation, which she had named Clocky. The factor that set Clocky apart from your everyday alarm clock was that, in addition to making a traditional alarm sound in the morning, it would roll itself off your nightstand and move around your bedroom at random. This would give the heaviest of sleeper cause to get out of bed, find Clocky and turn it off. However, Clocky was, according to Nanda, at least a year away from mass production when he (Clocky is masculine) was garnering all the media attention. This media attention coupled with the stage of development of Clocky has posed Nanda with a number of dilemma’s and challenges. This piece will provide solutions for Nanda’s challenges.

In this piece, you will see each challenge facing Nanda broken up and dealt with on an individual basis. Firstly, Nanda faces a difficult dilemma in deciding what company should manufacture the product. This decision requires a balancing act between risk and cost. The second challenge facing Nanda is distribution and partnerships. What company should Nanda partner with to sell the product and how will this decision, in turn, affect the public’s perception of Clocky? Another tough dilemma facing Nanda is how and where to place the product in people’s minds. Picking a particular target market to aim for can prove to be detrimental for a product. On the contrary, it can also ensure the product has a long and successful life span, if chosen correctly. Finally, this piece will try

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Marketing Orientation one of the most visible phrases in marketing, especially in the MBA and MSc courses on marketing. In many ways it has become an umbrella term (and thus in danger of losing its effectiveness), and is sometimes confused with the marketing concept, customer satisfaction, customer orientation etc. Even though there might be an overlap with the latter terms, this short, friendly note will define MO more precisely and set it in the context of top academic research, especially since 1990. Origins: The Marketing Concept Some highly popular textbooks claim MO is synonymous with the marketing concept. For example, one of most popular marketing texts notes in the first chapter that “the marketing concept is often referred to as ‘market orientation’”. This might have been the case till 1990, but ever since, we distinguish between the two terms. Drucker (1954) may have been one of the first theorists to suggest that creating satisfied customers was the only valid definition of business purpose. Webster (1988) summarized the marketing concept by noting that “executives must put the interests of the customer at the top of the firm’s priorities.” You may like to think of it as a kind of a philosophy, a belief, an ideal, a policy statement, or even a normative statement. Market Orientation In 1990, two seminal papers were published in the Journal of Marketing, which defined and operationalized MO by creating two scales. A scale in marketing (or for that matter in business management...

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