Premium Essay

Mun Etiquette


Submitted By evangelinesarahg
Words 903
Pages 4
Cheat Sheet
* Every time you speak you earn points * Every time you would like to speak in committee, raise you placard and wait to be called on * The more points you get, the more likely you are to receive an award * Be confident!

Starting Committee: * The chair will highly smile upon opening the speaker’s list
-Hint: When the chair “highly smiles” upon something, it means they want it to happen * Raise your placard and say (if chosen by the chair to do so), “Motion to open debate” * The committee will vote on this motion and it will pass
* Raise your placard (and if chosen) say, “Motion to open the speaker’s list” * The committee will vote on this motion and it will pass * The country that is chosen to say “Motion to open the speakers list” will be given the option to be first on the list (So try to be the country that is chosen!) * Right when the list is opened, raise your placard immediately so you have a better chance of being at the top of the list * Speaking time may be changed if you motion to do so * Speaking time can only range from 1:30 to 3:00 maximum
-Hint: The speakers list can be closed if someone motions to do so. In this case, if you have not spoken yet and the list is closed, you may no longer present your speech. The closer you are to the top of the list, the less likely this will happen to you.
-Hint: If you would like to give more speeches, give a note to the page requesting for your country to be re-added to the list * After a country presents a speech, no clapping will be in order Comments: * After each speech, comments will be given * Raise your placard if you would like to comment and the chair will call on you * You can motion to increase the comment amount or comment time
* Whenever you feel necessary say, “Motion for a __

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