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My Code of Ethics


Submitted By jennygonzalez
Words 386
Pages 2
Personal ethics at its core definition is the process of learning what is right and wrong, then doing what is right.
It is anything but black and white and requires knowledge coming from teachers, parents, educators, pastors, community leaders and a host of quality sources.
I have been influenced in the way that I respond to different situations since childhood. There are certain situations that are a part of my life that affect what I value and how I behave. Also, these parts of my life affected the particular ethical system that influences the way I make decisions and who I am as an individual. The origin of my character is based on the fact that I was raised by a single mother and was the oldest of two in my home. My mom had a unique way of making me feel special and setting time aside for just me and her. I believe this is where I learned to value time and having patience. It also influenced the way I value family and has affected many of the decisions I have made for my own. Another factor that helped shape my ethics is that my mother was not a very religious woman. She believed in a higher powerI maintain that personal ethics comprising of morals, principles, and values requires constant repetition that is taught and not magically acquired. I had the benefit of two fine parents who taught me how important honesty, accountability, responsibility, and integrity was.
Yet, later in my career as a corporate executive I crossed the line and committed white collar offenses against a major international computer manufacturer. As a result, I learned a lesson never to be forgotten at the expense of my family.
What are some of the lessons I learned that are so vital to personal ethics and good behavior?
We cannot place our own interests and value them ahead of our faith, family, friends, and others.
There is no place for arrogance and greed in our personal lives or

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