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My Life Long Dream


Submitted By wfd883
Words 729
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My Life Long Dream is to be a Teacher

English Composition I

My Life Long Dream is to be a Teacher I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a Junior in high school. During that year, I got to help at our elementary school for one of my class electives. I was assigned to one of the first grade classes. I remember talking to the teacher I was helping. I asked her how she liked teaching and what it took to be a teacher. Her first question to me was how did I like working with children. I told her I loved it and wished I could help her all year long. She told me that if I really liked working with children, I should go to college and get my teaching degree. Although everyone measures success in his or her career differently, I believe by becoming a teacher I will be successful. After I graduated from high school, I did not have plans of attending college right away. I decided to take a job as a teaching aide. I was assigned to help with the pre-first grade class. That first year helping was very educational. I helped the children in class learn how to write their ABC’s and showed them how to write their numbers. I learned so much by working with these children I was finally ready to go to college to get my degree. I attended Aims Community College in Greeley, Colorado to get my electives out of the way and then planned on transferring to the University of Northern Colorado, also in Greeley, for the last two years. I often thought how important it would be to get my college degree and thought there might be challenges along the way. I got married while attending Aims and found it too hard to work and go to school at the same time. As much as I hated to, I quit school because I needed to support my new family. I did not want to quit because I knew if I did not finish, I never would. I officially ended my college career in

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