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Negative Effects of Friendship


Submitted By vii0407
Words 567
Pages 3
Negative effects of Friendship Speech
Though there are many positive aspects of friendship there are several potential negative effects of having friendships that are not 100% genuine. The first and perhaps most obvious negative effect of friendship is the risk of having ‘false’ or ‘bad’ friends. There are several signs of a potential bad friend including: belittling your accomplishments, ignoring you and unhealthy competition between you and your friend. There are 6 types of ‘bad friend’: the promise- breaker, the double-crosser, the self-absorbed, the discloser, the competitor and the fault finder. Having any one of these types of friends in your life can have a strong negative impact.

The second effect of having a bad friendship is the potential for peer pressure to occur. Peer pressure is caused by the social desire to fit in and be accepted by peers, that forces a person to change their personal habits and personality.The effect of this pressure, in turn, can cause a group mentality. Which then continues the cycle. What causes this pressure is the desire to define normalcy. This may have the effect of your friends pressuring you into actions that you would not normally engage in. These activities can range from trivial things like: a change of hairstyle to more dangerous acts like: drug use. Examples of activities that the influencing peer pressure party may want you to involve yourself in include: * Encouraging you to gossip about your other friends * To gamble or spend money you don't have. * To make choices that will hurt you or your family. * To engage in illicit/illegal activities. * Wearing the same clothes as your friends or look a certain way * Drinking, smoking or taking drugs * Changing your friends/partner because your current friends don’t like them * Bullying others * Skipping/skiving school * Having a

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