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Odysseus Reputation In Homer's The Odyssey

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One’s reputation can influence all aspects of his life. In Homer’s The Odyssey, the way characters are treated and viewed by others depends on their reputation. Those with bad reputations are threatened or abused by the gods, while those with good reputations are loved and rewarded by the gods. A character’s reputation determined how one is treated, and if one was favored by the gods.

In the epic, Odysseus earns kleos and therefore he is treated like a god when he travels to other places. During his journey, Odysseus encountered many people who welcomed him into their homes. In Book 10, Aeolus “hosted [Odysseus] for one entire month” (10. 17) and “he denied me [Odysseus] nothing” (10. 21) after “he pressed me [Odysseus] for news of Troy and …show more content…
In Book 6, Nausicaa is would like to help Odysseus to the palace, but she is worried that the townspeople will assume she is marrying an outsider. She believes they will spread rumors about her, and that “they’ll scoff… just think of the scandal that would face me [Nausicaa] then” (6. 313-314). Because she was so careful, Nausicaa avoided potentially shaming her family’s name by ensuring no one had anything to spread rumors about. Similarly, in Book 8, Alcinous wants Phaeacia to be known as the country with the best dancers. He wants Odysseus, when he returns to Ithaca, to “tell his friends... how far we [the Phaeacians] excel the world in sailing, nimble footwork, dance and song” (8. 284-287). Knowing Odysseus would spread the word of the Phaeacians’ dancing skills, Alcinous ensures that Phaeacia will always be looked well upon by outsiders. In Book 10, Aeolus was trying his best to please the gods. Therefore, when Odysseus returned to Aeolus’ palace a second time, Aeolus thought it meant “the immortals hate you [Odysseus]” (10. 82-83) and proceeded to ban Odysseus from his palace out of fear of the gods wrath. If Aeolus had not feared the gods, Odysseus could have reached Ithaca years earlier with Aeolus’

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