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On Pale


Submitted By alicejones
Words 733
Pages 3
On pale green walls by Clare Wigfall

In this world there are a lot of people nearly 7 billion, and these people have families and are part of families. The way we bring up our children is our own choice, but it is a choice that has a lot of importance, whether we bring them up to be independent, in a religious belief or, to rely on their parents to take care of them.
Upbringing and how children’s curiosity can sometimes be misunderstood are some of things we experience in the text “On Pale Green Walls” by Clare Wigfall.

The story is about a mute little girl who has a fascination with the Virgin Mary. The story is told from her point of view and we only know what she knows.
The story starts out in medias res, with the family on their way to church.
The story starts at the church and ends at the church, the whole story is centered mainly around religious objects, and the most visible theme is religion.
At church Violet notices this beautiful lady dressed in blue, Violet is transfixed with her, she does not know or realize that this lady is the Virgin Mary, and her description of her makes it a bit unclear if she is real or a painting.
Violet keeps this near obsessive fascination with her throughout the story, So much that at one point when she sees the image of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus, on the cover of her dads’ newspaper, she gets so jealous and angry that she draws crudely on the baby hacking out the eyes, which shocks both her parents.
In the beginning of the story Violet get a piece of candy off a stranger, he is old and wrinkled and even though she likes the sweet she won’t eat it.
She imagines his old dry skin sticking to it, she has quite a fascination with perfect things and distrusts ugly or old things like the old man.
Another place we see this fascination with innocent things, is when she picks up a little dead bird and puts it in her

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