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Organisational Politics


Submitted By CherriD
Words 870
Pages 4
Political Behaviour in Organizations

Review the definition of organizational politics. Discuss whether an organization can be totally free of political behaviours? How could managers minimize political behaviours in their organization?

(Farrell and Petersen 1982) states that Political behaviour resides in informal structures and relates to the promotion of self and group interests rather than being part of those formal roles regulated by organizational norms and goals. Both researchers went on to define Political behaviour in organizations as “those activities that are not required as part of one’s organizational role but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.” Additionally (Robbins and Judge 2011) suggested that organizational politics focuses on the use of power to affect decision making in an organization or on individual and organizationally unsanctioned behaviours. It also includes efforts to influence the goals, criteria or processes used for decision making.
(Robbins and Judge 2011) indentified two dimensions which influences political behaviours within the organization, and which plays a pivot role in the behaviours and attitudes found in the organization. These include: legitimate and illegitimate political behaviour. Legitimate political behaviour refers to the normal everyday polities which includes obstruction of organizational policies and decision through inaction or excessive adherence to rules, also excessive complaints being made to supervisor’s for other co-workers. Moreover illegitimate political behaviour includes sabotage, whistle-blowing and the situations where persons call in sick as a group.

The case is made of the Metropolitan welfare department where one of the key issues identified were political influences within the organization. Some of the

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