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Personal Writing: The Importance Of Being A Writer

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Many people interested in writing right now, especially when all of the connection are open widely, thanks for the internet of course. But none of them knows the fact that to become a writer is not an easy job. Yes, you can have flexibility and freedom express yourself, but in the end, you must learn about people needs, and what they like to read.

That means as a writer you must know your audience, their favorite, their point of view, etc. You can write everything you want on the internet right now, but in the end, you need a conversion on your writing platform. You need money to run your platform, except if you just write for your hobbies.
First Thing You Must to Know

Being a Writer is a Full-Strategy Job (Learn Audience, traffic, the …show more content…
Motivate from your friends not help so much, you must drive yourself and start to write every day.

Keep Writing No Matter What Happens

Every writer is tested when dealing with the writer's block. How you can keep going even there is no idea right now, and you will meet many roadblocks ahead. So, the best thing for this matter is just keep writing no matter what happens.
How To Earn Money As A Writer

There are many opportunities as a writer today, articles and books are most common right now. So, if you are new as a writer you can start with these two things, writing articles or books. I suggest that you write articles first, before you started your book project.
Tips Earn Some Money As A Writer

Be a Freelance Writer

Many people need good content on their website, you can offer your content to them. But, if you are still new you can start become freelancer writer, but you must build your portfolio first. Don't put your price too high, be a lower price first, let your client knows your works, and let them decided.

*5 Best Site For Freelancer

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