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Pert, Gantt Charts and Work Breakdown Structure


Submitted By Arizona268
Words 1000
Pages 4
The PERT Chart
Program Managers often utilize tools such as, the Program Evaluation and Review Technique or PERT charts. PERT charts help managers with planning the schedule of projects that involve sequential activities. A PERT chart identifies the amount of time that is required to complete the activities in a project, and the order of the steps that occurs throughout the project. Each activity is assigned an earliest and latest start time and end time; activities with no slack time are said to lie along the critical path, this is the path that must stay on time for the project to stay on schedule (Ingram, 2013).
One of the strengths that the PERT charts have is their ability to calculate exactly how long a project will take. They provide managers with a range of time in which the project should be completed, based on the total of all the minimum and maximum time limits for all of the activities. This gives companies a number of advantages, such as the ability to tell their customers exactly when their orders will be filled, or exactly when they should order new supplies.
One weakness a PERT chart has is that it does not take into account the possibility of unexpected occurrences. The expected completion time of all subsequent activities and the project as a whole can get off track when things go wrong, which can cause problems if the company has made plans that rely on the timely completion of the project. Another weakness of PERT chart is that the technique relies on past data and experience to produce completion time calculations and new companies may not have any past experience to use in those formulas. Below is an example of a PERT chart (Bryant, 2013).

Diagram via
The Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart shows the activities, tasks or events which are displayed against time. On the left of the chart is a list of the activities

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