Premium Essay

Peter Green's First Day


Submitted By jpt9407
Words 741
Pages 3
1. - What should Peter do? Should he submit a false discount claim on the Peabody account?
Peter should support his beliefs: not lie or steal. He should tell the top manager of the whole company this kind of situation.
No, he should not submit a false discount claim on the Peabody account, even this action will keep the major account, but it less the benefit of the company, and I believe there should be other way of discount to assistant the shipping cost.

2. - What can he do? He should talk about this kind of situation to the manager of the headquarter, since this kind of discount for customer made less profits for company, let the top manager figure out. That is their job responsibility.

3. - What would Murphy say?
Murphy would say Peter is a liar, and Peter just lost the major customer on purpose and make excuse for himself, He would claim that the merchandise sold to Peabody had portion of second-quality goods indeed. 4. - Does a boss have a right to expect an employee to bend the rules if he or she sees fit to do so?
No, I do not think so, when boss made the rules, that are responsibilities the boss expected the employee will follow and keep, However if the employee himself or herself want to change the rule as he or she saw fit to do so in kind of situation, that is not right, tell your boss the rules are not perfect and give some suggestions about revision. 5. - Does an employee have a right to disobey a boss?
Yes, I believe so .when the rules your boss made are too fancy, not convenient or too cost to use, not fitful as the time goes by, employee should suggest the better work out for the boss and respect your boss’s decision, anyway, do not disobey your boss before you told him and ask for decision. 6. - How serious a problem is this?
It seems not a big deal in Murphy, however, I think this problem is a serious

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