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Philosophy Theory


Submitted By blaine
Words 286
Pages 2
Introduction In this paper, I will be writing about case number 6.3 Speaking Out About Malt. I will be using Utilitarianism as my moral theory and will show that the principles of the case are acting morally.

Summary of Case Mary Davis was an associate vice president for Whitewater Brewing Company. Her husband was working on his MBA and convinced her to take a night class with him. She enrolled in the class and had to write a term paper. She decided to write her term paper on the study of wine and beer marketing. In her paper, Mary spoke about the marketing of malt liquor, which is a beer brewed with sugar for stronger alcohol content. Malt liquor was bottled in a 40 ounce container and was sold for two dollars. The popularity of the 40s grew and became a favorite of the inner-city teenagers and the popularity later grew to suburbs. Malt liquor had strong alcohol content and the teenage drinkers fell in love with the quick drunk. It earned nicknames such as, “liquid crack” and “date rape brew”. Mary Davis’ paper was adored by her instructor and encouraged her to publish it in the newspaper. However, she was working for Whitewater Brewing Company and it brewed malt liquor also, called Rafter. The CEO of Whitewater claimed that Mary acted irresponsible and her paper damaged the company’s image. The CEO then ordered Mary not to comment publicly on the issue. She talked to her colleague about the situation and told her colleague that her paper contained true information. Two days later Mary received an ultimatum from the CEO, either she keeps quiet on the issue or resigns from her position.

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