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Physical Education Required


Submitted By lara15
Words 1783
Pages 8
Physical Education Required Have you ever wondered how much it costs to help treat obesity? An obese person will spend approximately $1429 more on medical costs than a normal weighted person. That amount of money could be gathered and used for something else! On average, annual medical costs of obesity are as high as $147 billion (Begley 2). It is clear that we are becoming obsessed with food as a nation and are not making the best choices for our body. Children are lacking physical education because of an increase in technology, you will find most children coped up inside their bedrooms playing video games and eating unhealthy food. America is said to have 35.7% of their people considered obese or overweight. Watching our nation grow bigger and bigger is the reason why we must have physical education required in all schools so that we can teach children to be active and healthy, help lower obesity, and lower depression and anxiety. Physical education is instruction and development of the body that begins with easy exercises and moves to more rigorous ones. It provides children with the proper information on hygiene and helps with performance and management of athletic games. Many schools provide physical education in their schools but do not require it to be taken. In gym children are taught team skills as well individual skills. It teaches children the basis to a healthy lifestyle and allows them to interact in fun games or exercises with their peers. With physical education required in all schools we can help teach the kids to be active and healthy, lower obesity, and lower depression and anxiety. Running around is a great way to live an active and healthy life. In physical education the instructor goes over the body and how to be fit. Having required physical education allows students to take 60- 90 minutes out of their long filled days to work on

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