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Submitted By Farrenw
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Pages 6
“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind “ Jim Morrison

Media Studies
Course Outline

Media Studies
Core Concepts

Media Studies Assessment Checklist


“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcolm X

Mass communication to
Information to a wide
What is Media?

The media is the means of mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television and film. The media disseminates meaning to a mass audience.

The word media is derived from the Latin “medium”, which means “an agency; or the way something is communicated or expressed”.

What is Media Studies? Media Studies is the study of how meaning is created and disseminated through the media. The media that are studied are those of mass, rather than interpersonal communication, such as mobile phones. The media texts may be newspapers or magazines, television or radio programmes, cinema films, advertisements, music videos and websites.
The range of media texts will cover fiction and non-fiction, such as Donnie Darko, Bowling For Columbine, The Simpsons, and Nike adverts. Media is a construct; messages are being mediated and a point of view communicated, even where the events seem at their most ‘raw’ and direct.
This course will enable you to look at and listen to media products, not simply as a consumer, but as a critic - able to question the content and purpose of the messages rather than take them at face value.
You will be equipped to make reasoned, well balanced judgements about what is being communicated through the media, and make sense of the ever-expanding and complex web of communication. You will learn to appreciate

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