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Police Misconduct Research Paper

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Did you know that excessive force is one of the most common forms of police misconduct?(Cato) The 1968 Democratic National Convention was a battle between the Chicago police and peaceful protesters. Violence broke out because of the Chicago police forcibly removing protesters with clubs and tear gas. Even today there is a lot of examples of police brutality. With just a short google search you can find hundreds of cases of police misconduct, specifically police brutality. The problem is not the police, but the small percent that is resorting to violence as an answer to everything. The solution to this problem is requiring the police to go under special training to teach them that violence is and should be a last resort.
According to The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project “of all 1,575 officers involved in reported excessive force complaints, 56.9% were involved in cases of physical use of force which include fist strikes, …show more content…
According to Fatal Encounters, a national database of people killed during interactions with law enforcement, stated that last year 1307 Americans were killed by cops. Instead of putting these officers in jail and taking them away from their families, we set a higher standard for officers and require appropriate training. Cops are given more power in order to protect civilians, but if they do not know how to use that power then they won't know how to protect them. Through extensive training cops will be able to better analyze situations and avoid those that will put them in danger.
A famous quote by Al Sharpton “we’re not anti-police..we’re anti-police brutality.” It is important that we stop police brutality and the best way to do that is to set higher standards and guide our officers into the right direction. It is important that we end police brutality because if we simply can’t trust the police then who do we

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