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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Analysis

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On June 10, 2005, time stood still for the 2nd Combat Engineers Battalion stationed in Iraq. Two of their own were lost in an improvised explosive device attack on their convoy. This was and will be a day they will never forget. The sights, smells, and sounds will be something forever engraved in their memory. Continuing on through the days after was challenging. Silence filled the air. Blame and guilt were thrown in the faces of so many. However, long after the explosion, many feelings that were felt when the tragedy occurred, still consumes many of the Marine’s lives on a daily basis. This consumption of guilt and remembering the terrifying sounds and sights of such a traumatic event are signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-Traumatic …show more content…
The unknown factors of the disorder are how it affects military members and their journey back into the civilian world. Although Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a commonly known disorder, many people do not fully understand what it is or the affects it has on someone who has it. The definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is simple, however, the disorder itself it quite complex. “PTSD is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event-either experiencing it or witnessing it” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Due to the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, more and more military members are coming home with symptoms of PTSD. This has been front page news and has become prevalent in everyday lives. One major fact to remember is that anyone can experience a horrific event which can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The symptoms of PTSD are hard to identify if warning signs are ignored. More often than not, cases of PTSD are aided by talking through the traumatic situation. The hardest part is getting a victim to talk about it. Emotional numbness can be one of the biggest warning signs, yet one of the easiest to ignore. Emotional numbness can be …show more content…
These symptoms can be grouped into 4 categories. Reliving an event, or re-experiencing, happens when the thoughts and feelings of a traumatic event suddenly come back at any given time. Just as many children have nightmares, PTSD victims have nightmares, as well. The difference, however, is that the nightmares of PTSD victims are very much real, as a lot of their nightmares replicate the traumatic event he or she has faced. A flashback is another example of reliving an event. A flashback is a realistic and lifelike memory that can occur unexpectedly. The most common example of reliving an event is through triggers. Certain sights, smells, and sounds can trigger a memory from a traumatic event. Examples of triggers are watching stories on the news, seeing a car accident, or from a military specific example, hearing fireworks. Independence Day is a day that is celebrated and usually brings happiness. For military members with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, this day become a day full of anxiety and horrifying

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