Premium Essay

Poverty: World Hunger


Submitted By yamimosri
Words 1701
Pages 7
The purpose of this research is to explain more about the subject that was chosen and to get informed about what is happening and what is being done about it. The global issue that was chosen is Poverty. Poverty is known as the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. The method used in this report is a secondary research. The most used method in this research was the Internet. There are many factors that cause people to live in poverty; some of them are low paid work, the fact of having no job, and inadequate benefits. The consequences of poverty can be social or political; a very distinguished one is death. A lot of people die every day because of hunger, and there are some organizations helping the poverty problem disappear as soon as possible. The most affected generations related to this problem are children. Putting more job opportunities could be very helpful to help this problem, getting volunteers to do social service in the most needed communities and sending some medicines with them so they can help as much as possible.
1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this research is to explain more about the subject that was chosen and to get informed about what is happening and what is being done about it. The chosen aspect is poverty, specifically hunger. Poverty is known as “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.” (Merriam Webster, 2015) Hunger is having a desire, craving, or need for food; feeling hunger; ravenous. (The Free Dictionary, 2015) The reasons why this aspect was chosen is that it is a problem happening a lot now a days all over the world and it would be very interesting to investigate about what the world is doing to get rid of it and what is happening around the world. Most of the world lives in poverty nowadays. A lot of people,

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