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President Paper Comm


Submitted By Mua23
Words 782
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Kenneth Rijo
Comm 1402 22

Recently the people of the United States have chosen me to become President but I do not have the right team to help me lead the country. Obviously when you are President you need nothing but the best, so looking for the right cabinet members was not easy. There are 15 executive members in the Presidents cabinet including the Vice President making that 16 of the best people possible to help run the U.S. Group size is also very important, since it is a larger group of people it is going to be harder to equalized opportunities (Gamble 239.). One of the 16 characteristics that would make my cabinet of people perfect would be someone who takes their job seriously. If you cannot be serious about your job then you might as well not work. Especially if you are going to help run the country you should take your job very seriously. This means having good work ethic, taking full responsibility for your actions, and showing that you have pride in your work. Another characteristic that would be great to have in my presidential cabinet is someone who is fun but also again very serious about their job. Every group needs individuality, so someone who is fun and outgoing and also has that bubbly attitude. This characteristic definitely can make a difference in the working area. Being in the president’s cabinet can be tough so having someone who can help balance the group of hard working people helps make a huge positive difference in the working area. Even if everyone is stressed out, you will always have that one person that can turn someone’s bad day into a good one. Since the group size is a lot larger I would want people who have really good communication skills and that are not afraid to speak up. Communication is key in a group of people because that is how not only we will all connect but it will help when a serious matter approaches. It will allow each cabinet member to work in the group and build strategies into making the country a better place for everyone. It also will allow everyone to focus on each others area as well as helping each other grow an improve. Teamwork can be good and bad but it is needed if I am going to be President and if I am working with others because alone I can run the 50 states and need help of others. In teamwork some of the pros are definitely the increase in motivation and commitment. This is important because it is going to not only help get the job done faster but also hard work will be put into what is meant to be worked on (Gamble 243.). It is also going to point out the people who are not putting effort into what is being worked on. From a personal experience we have all worked on something and received no help from a partner that is meant to help us. In the presidential cabinet there a several roles some of those roles are vice President, and secretaries of state, treasure and justice. Each person has a specific role and they just focus on that one role. This brings us back to individualization and giving someone that chance to be responsible for their role in running the country. Not only does it give them recognition but it also makes the president’s job a lot easier. With that said the characteristics chosen even reflects on each role some people in the cabinet will be assigned to. People that take their job serious will have more of an important part of the cabinet. Even the people that have a more humor and more of that bubbly attitude will definitely have something that fits there needs as well. This will even give them room to excel and grow not only as an individual but working as a team they can get where they want and where they need to be. What it all comes to is teamwork and finding the right guys and or girls to balance out the presidential cabinet. Not only finding the right fit of people to help me run the country but, having the perfect team to help me lead it as well.
Works Cited
Gamble, Teri Kwal., and Michael Gamble. "Chapter 9 Page 239." Communication Works. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. N. pag. Print.
Gamble, Teri Kwal., and Michael Gamble. "Chapter 9 Page 243" Communication Works. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. N. pag. Print.
"The Cabinet." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2014.

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