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Submitted By bryan123
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ENG 101
10 September 333 How to Configure Windows Startup Computers are not meant for everyone, and the programs associated with them just seem to overcomplicate the whole process. Configuring Windows programming can be a mind boggling task that requires time and some basic computer knowledge. To successfully configure Windows, I am going to walk you through the process so that you can experience the most out of your computer. Connecting the Computer- Once the computer is put in the correct place, it can be connected together. First of all, connect the monitor to the PC. The monitor cable comes from the monitor and has a male plug on the end shaped like a trapezoid with two screws on either side. This is plugged into a trapezoid shaped port on the rear of the PC denoted by a small graphic of a screen. The screws are then turned to achieve a tight fit. Next to be plugged in is the keyboard. The keyboard cable has a pink semi-circle shaped male plug, which plugs into the pink port at the back of the computer, which has a small keyboard graphic next to it. The same goes for the mouse, except this has a green plug and port. The printer cable also has a male trapezoid shaped plug with screws on either side, but it is a lot longer than that of the monitor. It is similarly pushed into the corresponding trapezoid port with the printer graphic. The power lead from the mains comes in the shape of a hexagon is female, and plugs into the power socket in the back of the machine in which tree large pins are visible. The power for the monitor comes in the form of a similarly shaped male hexagonal socket, which plugs into the female power socket on the back of the machine. (N.B. References to male mean that the mentioned object has pins, while female means that it does not). If the user is finding it difficult to double click on the mouse, then the double click speed can be reduced. As with most alterations to the settings, the Control Panel is used. This is located at Start>Settings>Control Panel and alternatively My Computer>Control Panel. The Control Panel provides access to the settings of the various parts of the computer, like the Keyboard, Internet, and the Sound. In this case, the settings for the Mouse can be found in the Control Panel by double clicking on the Mouse icon. This then brings up a new window, in which can be found all of the settings for the mouse under appropriate tabs. To change the double click speed, slide the arrow towards the slow send, in the double-click speed section of the first tab. Then click on OK. To revert to the original settings after the new ones have been set, go back into the mouse menu, and move the slider into the center. Setting the Date and Time-This can be done through the Control Panel, by clicking on the
Date/Time icon, or by double clicking on the time in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This then brings up a menu. To change the time, you simply type in the time you want into the box beneath the clock, and clock on OK. To change the data, you simply, select the month you want from the drop down menu on the left hand side, type in the year, and select the day from the list. You then click on OK to set. Changing the Windows Wallpaper-This can be done through the Control Panel, by clicking on the Display Properties icon, or by right clicking on the desktop and selecting properties. Choose the background tab. Clicking on browse brings up an open menu, where you can browse the hard drive for the bitmap you want. Once it has been found, double click on the file, and it will be added to the list of available wallpapers. From the right hand menu, choose whether you want the image to be stretched to full screen, left in the center, or tiled across the screen, then click on OK. The image will now be displayed on the Windows desktop. Shortcut to Letter Template-To create a shortcut on the desktop to a file in the My
Documents folder, you must first open up the My Documents folder, by going to the desktop, then double clicking on the icon. Then, click on the file you wish to link to and, still holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the desktop holding down Ctrl and Shift. A small arrow should appear at the bottom right hand corner of the icon. Release and a new shortcut will be created. Creating Folders-In the directory where you want the new folders, right click on the mouse, click on New, and then Folder. Select the newly created folder, then right click and click on Rename. You can then type in the new name of the folder. Decreasing Keyboard Repeat Rate-To do this; double click on the Keyboard icon in the control panel. On the first tab, there is a slider, similar to that for the mouse double click sped. Move this down to the left and click on OK. Keyboard Language Settings-Again in the Keyboard settings, choose the language tab. If
English (British) is not already installed, click on the properties button, and scroll down to it in the menu. Click on OK and it will be installed. Word Backup Timing-Launch Microsoft Word by clicking on Start>Programs>Microsoft
Word. Then, in the toolbar, click on Tools then Options. If Options is not visible, click on the small arrow at the bottom of the drop down menu and it will appear. Click on the Save tab, and type 10 into the backup timing box. Click on OK and the timing will be set. Word Spellchecker-Again in Word, click on Tools>Language>Set Language. Select English (UK) as the language from the list, and click on OK. Printer Driver-To do this, click on Start>Settings>Printers. A window will then launch displaying a list of all the installed printers. If the current printer installed is not there, it will have to be installed through the Control Panel. Passwords-To change the password for Windows, double click on the Passwords icon in the Control Panel. Click on the change password button. A new window will then launch. Into the first box of this new window, type in the current password. Into the other two boxes, type in the new password. Entering the password twice ensures that the password is correct. If the two passwords do not match, the computer will inform you to re-enter the passwords. Once you have completed these steps you should have successfully configured your windows operating system. If you have problems regarding installation please re-read the instructions as everything needed is mentioned above. Once you have configured windows you can use your computer to its fullest extent and explore the positives of technology.

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