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Professional Smart Goal


Submitted By shar8ice
Words 692
Pages 3
Professional SMART Goal Paper The professional smart goal that I chose was to become more familiar with online learning. My reason for choosing this goal is because it will make it easier for me to learn new healthcare information and make career advances without having to go into the classroom. Since healthcare is changing everyday, it is not always fesible to get time off of work to learn new information. According to article entitled Benefits, Barriers, and Intentions/Desires of Nurses Related to Distance Learning in Rural Island Communities, “The key benefit of the use of distance learning and new information technologies in practice and education is to provide a "flexible quality education" that allows nurses to continue to work, raise families, and live in their home communities” (Charles & Mamary, 2002 ; Hall & Fabayo, 2006 ; Kooker, Itano, & Okimoto, 2000 ). Although online learning is made to be flexible, sometimes some of the benefits can also prove to be challenges. Having a family can sometimes make it very difficult to find time to do your school work. To help with this challenge, once my schedule is received for the week I should make a schedule with reasonable times set aside to study and complete assignments while also setting aside time for family matters all while trying my best to stick to my schedule keeping in mind that sometimes with having a family unexpected things arise which could alter my schedule. Secondly working while in school can be a challenge. Sometimes unexpected overtime comes up which may alter your study schedule. There is not really much that you can do when having to work unexpected overtime due to a medical emergencies at work. Thirdly, technology factors can have a great effect on your online education. Your computer, internet, computer programs are your greatest assets for online education but could also

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