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Project of the Year


Submitted By CBAiken524
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Project Management Assessment Carolyn Aiken Strayer University

Summarize how the project manager or team exhibited exceptional and ethical project management practices. Virtusa is a provider of global IT services and they service many different areas both domestically and worldwide with a headquarters located in Massachusetts. They offer a wide range of consulting and outsourcing services to various industries and different software vendors and they have a strong presence in the IT field. In May 2010, Siemens decided to replace a vendor they were using to track orders placed online and chose Virtusa to handle the project.()
Upon successful completion of the project, Virtusa Corporation was honored by Project Management Institute Atlanta as the winner of its 2011 Manufacturing Project of the Year Award. “PMI’s Project of the Year (POY) Award recognizes the accomplishments of a project and the involved project team for superior performance and execution of exemplary project management. This award is administered by PMI’s Global Operations Center in order to recognize and honor contributions to the Institute and for achievements in the project management field. Only one PMI Project of the Year Award is awarded per calendar year.”()
Not only was Virtusa successful in recreating a carbon copy of the retired system right down to the way it originally performed, they were also able to upgrade the features and make them work better with more functionality and efficiency. The customers never knew that a change had taken place because they experienced no interruption in their service and the project manager and team

saved the client a lot of money by finishing the project well under the proposed budget. As a result, the client was able to reduce their IT operations cost and increase their ability to meet changing

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