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Quality of Care Exercise


Submitted By furyjo2013
Words 620
Pages 3
Quality of Care Exercise

When comparing nursing homes located in Washington at the two facilities that I am comparing is Park Rose and Tacoma Lutheran Home (TLH). When looking at the results for Park Rose the number of total residents is ninety and the total number of licensed nurse staff per resident per day is one hour and forty-eight minutes. I think for a facility of this type, where elderly patients are living, that the time nursing staff spends with the residents is on average compared to the rest of Washington State. If I were to pay for a facility like this for a family member of mine I would want nursing staff to spend more hours per day with my loved one. Although, I do know that a nurse’s time is limited and having ninety residents to care for is high. Looking at TLH it seems to be the same when comparing it to Rose Park. With the total number of licensed nurse staff hours per resident per day at one hour and fifty-five minutes, but there are 147 total residents. Again this facility is around the average for Washington State, if looking for a place for a loved one I would not like how many more residents there are in this facility because that may stretch a nurse’s time even more. What I found to be interesting about the information available on this site and when comparing the two facilities is the number of complaints and incidents with each. Although the TLH had no complaints about their facility they did have four incidents. I was not able to find exact incidents for this facility but it did point out that they have few people hired with legal history, and give each resident care and services to get of keep the highest quality of life possible. They also seemed to correct this at some point as well. Park Rose on the other had has had eight complaints and four incidents. The level of harm is a two when it comes to keeps or

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