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Rabbit Run


Submitted By greysaint
Words 726
Pages 3
English 211
Rabbit, Run

Is There Help? “Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, I am Officer Rodriguez, I am very sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but there has been an accident. Your daughter was killed in a motor vehicle accident last night. As far as we can tell, there was alcohol involved”. Imagine getting a knock on your door at 2:00 in the morning, opening it up to find two police officers standing there. It is every parent’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, this is exactly the news my parents received on January 24th, 2006. My 22 year old sister was killed by a drunk driver. To make the situation even harder to bear, he was 18, her friend, and had 3 prior DWIs. No one understood why my sister continued to befriend this kid. He was a ‘bad kid’, always in trouble, ‘no good’. These are the words people in the small community of Taos used to describe him.
“He has potential, nobody has given him a chance, if I can be a positive influence and make a difference in his life, then mine will be worth it” that’s how she’d explain it to everyone who asked. On the night she was killed, she went with him to try to convince him to go home. All of the witnesses and her autopsy proved she hadn’t been drinking. When he realized she was dead, he tried to pull her lifeless body into the driver’s seat and had intended to report that she had stolen his car. He couldn’t lift her body so he climbed over her and left her hanging half out of the car. He stole her purse and driver’s license. It took them hours to find her and the impact of the accident left her faceless. She was identified not through dental records, but by x-rays that were done one week before of her arm. She had broken it while snowboarding. He never spent a day in jail awaiting trial. During the court proceedings he yawned, said he was bored, and fell asleep. He spent only 18 months in prison on a plea agreement. Since his release, he has been arrested for drinking and driving. He is no longer on parole.
My family will never see my sister’s beautiful face. The world lost a selfless and kind soul. There will never be another person like her. He took that away from us, and never even apologized. He continues to do what took her life. How do you forgive someone like that? Some might argue that he has a difficult time dealing with what he did. Then why not try to stop? Why not seek help?
“I believe that we are all responsible beings, responsible for ourselves and for each other”. (132) In John Updike’s Rabbit Run, Janice’s alcoholism causes the death of her newborn daughter. It isn’t something she planned. It was, by all accounts an accident. Could it have been prevented? In my mind there was no reason for it to happen. She shouldn’t have allowed a man who treated and called her a “mutt” (91), drag her back into the depths of a bottle. It angered me that she drinks throughout her pregnancy. “He thinks how easy it was, yet in all His strength God did nothing. Just that little rubber stopper to lift” (237). Perhaps God could have given the ability to grab baby Rebecca out of the water, or lift that stopper to drain some of the water, but isn’t that child better off being an angel in Heaven, rather than living through the torment of an alcoholic mother and promiscuous, unreliable father?
We may not know God’s intent and aren’t supposed to question the reasons for what He does. Just as I think that the baby in this book is better off in Heaven, some argue that my sister is doing more for all us as an angel than she could have accomplished here on Earth. Nobody should succumb to alcohol and lose their life to a drink, or take someone else’s, but it happens and will continue to happen. I don’t know the solution to everyone’s sobriety, I know what has worked for me won’t work for everyone, but I do believe the first step toward recovery is admittance and asking for help.

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