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Race and Relationship


Submitted By sbhabtie
Words 335
Pages 2
UC-109 First Year Seminar
Topic Response-Race and Relationship
November 5, 2013
Race and Relationship Of the five EL scales, I think number three is the most challenging, which is stress management skills. I feel that it’s hard for me to control my anxiety. Most of the time, when I get mad, I seem to focus on the negative part than the positive and that has a negative impact on my relationship with others. I am really working on it and I will do everything to change it for the future. I definitely agree with effective communication because communication is very important in every day life. Especially when someone is in a relationship, they have to communicate daily bases. It might be trough the phone, email, or text. All those help the relationship to stay positive. Without communication I don’t think people would survive. When people get in fight or argument, I think the best way to solve their problem is with effective communication. From my own experience, I always stay in touch with my parents, friends and people around me with text, Facebook, or by calling. I believe communication is very important in everyone daily life. I think right now in our generation college students are valuing diversity more than the past. I don’t think diversity even has any place for college students a few decades ago. But now, I think everyone is learning about other people culture and tradition. I think technology had a big impact on diversity. The Internet in general gave everyone the chance to learn about different cultures. I have been in other country for few years before I came to the United States. I believe the experience I gained broadened my worldview. I have learned a lot from those experience and made me to appreciate what I have right now and motivate me to work hard for the future. After graduation, I am planning to travel a lot and learn about different

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