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Race and Community


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Race and Your Community
Evelyn Hillard
Axia College of University of Phoenix
ETH 125: Cultural Diversity

In my community in which I live there are a variety of many ethnic groups. When I go outside, and sit on my front porch I can see many ethnic groups communicating with each other. I was born and raised in Inglewood, CA for a while but I moved to Atlanta, GA with my father. I have not live in many cities but the one in which I live are quite different from the one I grew up. Atlanta, GA is the city where I live now. “Atlanta is the capital and most populous city in the state of Georgia as well as the urban core of one of the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the United States with a population of 537,958.” Atlanta is also known to have many actors, singers, and music producer that live here. Atlanta once held the 1996 Summer Olympics. Atlanta is the home of the National Football League Atlanta Falcons, National Basketball Association Atlanta Hawks, and Major League Baseball Atlanta Braves. Atlanta is the city to have Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic site, Carter Center, and The World of Coca-Cola Museum. When I was growing up I never paid any attention to how people look and what ethnic group he or she belong in. The community I grew up in was mainly Caucasians and African Americans. We had a few Hispanics that was living in the city but they mainly came in the summer to work. As, I grow older then I realize what ethnic group I came from and was many different types of ethnic groups. I am African American and I take exceptional pride in my ethnic and religion. He or she will not find many people who will sit there and say they are proud of where they come. Because I have been living in Atlanta, GA I noticed that Africans Americans dominated over the Caucasians. That is most clearly hard to believe because in some cities Caucasians usually outnumber any ethnic group. Atlanta is the place where they have many Africans Americans thinking that they can make a better living, but in the outlook of element this city is a very expensive city to live. Especially how the economic is not increasing and employment are hard to find. Because I have been living in Atlanta, I would not think any African Americans look alike. We all may have similar ways but when it come to look there is a big difference. I can just sit back and look around my community and noticed that we all have many different similarities such as skin color, hair, religion, and traditions. In my community no one judges him or her on what ethnic group he or she belongs in. Everybody just usually able to along with each other no matter what type of skin color they are. Simply an African American religious have many different people who have certain religion. Some are Baptist, Muslims, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Many of them take exceptional pride in their beliefs. When I was growing up as a child my parents always made us go to church but as I gotten older it seems like I do not go like I use. Many have their own beliefs and religion. Just like I said everybody have their own opinion about going to church. In the community in which, I live we have a few leaders who seem to take care of our community. Mayor Kasim Reed who, was inaugurated as the Atlanta’s 59th Mayor on January 4, 2010. Mayor Reed is striving to improve our city by creating new youth centers, public safety, ensuring all around responsibility, and providing good service to the residents. Because I have been living in the city of Atlanta, I have notice that some African Americans do treat Caucasians different. Especially in Atlanta the African Americans do outnumber the Caucasians so much. I believe it is putting pressure on many Caucasians Americans. Just like I noticed many African Americans feel like Caucasians are trying to take over their jobs, homes, and lifestyle. That is why I think some of them do not get along. For example, just like the story of Micheal Vick some people think what he did was wrong, but many believe it goes on in the South. “It is not a black or white issue but an issue of animal cruelty. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, it does not matter. Vick should not get any special treatment because he is a football player. People need to stop using race as an excuse.” The text use for this course contains very much about African Americans. Many African Americans throughout this century have been through a rough time or situation. Where I live the local media has nothing but African American who working for him or her. When they see some of the citizens they always greet them with good words. In the media, women stay well-dress and the men also. I think that all African Americans who work at local station always set good examples for their own races. Because I think that they say if they can do, it so can us. Our local media explains everything of what is going on in our city. He or she alerts the city of any usual activity that goes on in the city. Some similarities between the people who leadership positions in my community are from the same ethnic group I came from. Atlanta, GA has a huge population of African Americans. The leaders in my community are African American and he or she has very strict rules that he or she follow. Taking care of family is one thing as an African American love to do. Living as African American many should understand why we are against racism. Growing up as a child I never knew how bad we were treated until I became an adult. I believe that the leaders in my community have some exceptional remorse as the same as my parents. My parents have been through so much because of the stories that they have told me. Minority groups are always represented within my community. African Americans in the city of Atlanta are not so represented in any minority groups. Of course we have a black mayor and have had one for many years. I believe the reason is Atlanta is majority African Americans. They elected several of the African Americans politicians because he or she said when they are elected they going to take care of the community. Many African Americans only vote because he or she wants a change. The outside metro area in Atlanta minority population is increasing. In the small city many have Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese. When one of us is driving down the road many will see store signs in foreign characters and many will also see many foreign cuisine restaurant. Many of these minority groups only try to make a living for their family and make sure that their children receive a good education. I am a person who cares about other people feeling. I want to change the inequities against gay people in my city. Atlanta has so many gay people and the population still keeps growing. I think that gays have the roughest time trying to like a normal life like the rest of us. There are plenty places where they hangout such as The Underground, Sports Bars, and Clubs. Many of them feel like they are treated unfair because of what kind of like they have chosen to live. In Atlanta the gays have an event that they call the Gay Pride it is held at a park name Piedmont Park. I believe they should have this event at not just one park but have it in more different cities. Living here in Atlanta has made me look at concept in a different way. When I look at how some of these ethnic groups go through very much just to live in the United States many would not take this country for granted. In the United States there are many of objects that a person can do to improve their self if he or she want. I have heard many of the ethnic groups say that our country is like milk and honey. Many of them have live a hard and trouble life in he or she country. So they come over to our country to live the life that we do. Even though many say it is not milk, and honey but he or she learned it from another country. No matter what ethnic group many of us have come from we are all the same underneath our skin. Many have different hair color, eyes, nose, and lips but we are all still as one.


Thompson, W. “A History of Mistrust” retrieved (2009), from
Haines, E. “Reverse Racism Big Time” Retrieved September 1, 2009, from
“Meet the Mayor” July 16, 2010, from

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