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Submitted By Lilyona33
Words 7696
Pages 31
According to the Webster dictionary, migration is the movement of people from one country or locality to another. They are different types of migrations; some of which are Global migration, interregional migration and, intraregional migration. There is a significant diversity as it relates to the issues of migration in the United States. These issues vary from state to state. However International /global migration posed the most issues in this country. These issues have affected the United States for many years. James Rubenstein notes that “unrestricted immigration to the United States ended when congress passed the Quota Act in 1921 and the National Origins Act in 1924. However over the years different issues arose on this topic; some of which are job threatening, deportation, population overgrowth, devaluing of property, and increased crime rate. Legal as well as illegal immigrants encounter problems to some extent. The questions of who belongs? Who stays? And who goes? Are often widely debated topics by citizens of the United States? It has also been a focal topic in presidential debates. Others made reference to the DREAM Act by claiming that the political parties fail to address the heart of the immigration problem. Immigration has impacted the United States socially, economically, and politically. Like Global migration, interregional migration also creates issues, in the United States.

The topic of immigration can be broken down into many different categories, to deal with different aspects that affect people. Many Americans are of the opinion that America is for Americans and immigrants are not welcome. History teaches us that the Indians were the first set of people to live on this wonderful land. This means that all the other groups are descendants of immigrants. It is known that America was built by immigrants, which means this

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