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Rape and Baby Dumping


Submitted By chooiyuk
Words 3469
Pages 14
Why does rape and sexual assault happen? There is a strong evidence that shows that an amount of men believe in their law that it is alright for a man to force their life partner to have sex, whether they want it or not. It is their belief to think that “forcing a person to have sex” is not wrong as they do not think that it is rape. There are some circumstances included when rape or sexual assault happens. First circumstance to rape is when they have had sex together before. They will have the urge to have sex again once they have done it once with the other companion. The other side would think that it is now okay to force them to have sex once they have done it before. Second circumstance is she has had sex with other person before. When this occurs, they will want revenge on the other life partner and thus it will lead to rape. Third is when she has let the other person touch them above their waist. By letting them touch above their waist, the men will be more attracted to the women and it will give them the thirst to touch it again. Thus, it will also lead to rape or sexual assault. Fourth is when she has let another person to touch her below the waist. He will also have the urge to feel below the waist again and it will make them want a new experience. It will then lead to rape or sexual assault. Lastly is when he has spent a lot of money on her. He will think that he owns the girl because of the things he has bought for her and he will take advantage and force her to have sex with her.
Power and violence also comes in play when it has to do with rape or sexual assault. Using power might mean force, using violence, using threats, or using deceit. Some people might believe that it is acceptable to use force to get what they want. It is a selfish way to say “your needs are not important, but only mine”.
Responsibility and vulnerability also plays a

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