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Ratification Of The Constitution Essay

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“Liberty” has always been a highly contested and contradictory terrain throughout American history—and nowhere is the contestation more prevalent than in the formation of the Constitution in the late 18th century. During the Revolutionary period, both common and elite Americans alike sought to define the ideals of liberty that would be incorporated into the new nation. But the realization of these ideals of equality in politics and universal rights necessitated the formation of a centralized Republican government in order to become a practical reality, thereby ensuring the success of the nation by implementing basis of lasting, effective systems of maintaining political order. In doing so, the constitution realizes revolutionary aspirations for independent government that guarantees the rights and common good of its citizens. The ratification of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights ensured that the ideals of independence, accurate representation in politics via a republican system, and the protection of natural liberties birthed during the Revolution could survive practically within the new nation.
The ratification of the Constitution was critical for the success of the nation, thus realizing the revolutionary dream of …show more content…
Though it increased federal authority and consisted of elites in direct political roles, the US Constitution ultimately crafted a system of government that worked in the interest of allowing opportunities and freedoms for its citizens. The implementation of the Constitution, therefore, can be thought of as a revolution itself: when those ideological notions stirring throughout the latter half of the 18th century became a lasting and concrete reality for the

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