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Submitted By maissa23
Words 950
Pages 4
Filali Fikri Maissa
ENG 1301
Hardy, Myronn
Friday, November 21, 2013

Laugh At Your Own Mistakes We all have regrets in life. There are things we wish we hadn’t done, and other things we wish we would have accomplished. How many of us wished they haven’t done something, or wish they’ve had done it differently. Regrets are a part of being a human being. We all do things we regret at some point. We are never satisfied with what we have, we always want more, then comes regrets. We regret not spending time with our loved ones, we also regret spending time focusing on silly things. If I knew that today was my last day on earth, what are the things I would want to change? That’s the question I would have asked myself. There is nothing I would regret more than nothing living my life the way I want to live it, or to live a life full of regrets and unanswered questions. I think that the things we do and the decisions we make reflect on our personality. No matter how terrible the decision seems at the moment, but there is nothing I would change in my life. We learn from our mistakes, we shouldn’t regret those mistakes. However, how can we live a life with no regrets? I don’t think it’s possible to not have regrets at all. I wish I wouldn’t have taken two courses with 4 credits each, I regret my decision. I was overwhelmed, and did not want to drop a course, I thought I could succeed in both of them, but unfortunately I failed both classes. I think that it was meant to be, but if had worked a little bit harder I wouldn’t be on probation today. Then, yes I do regret my decision, but at the same time I don’t. Deep in my heart I know it was meant to be, I was a fool to make that decision at first and I had to take responsibility for my actions. I second guessed myself because that was the first time I failed at doing something, I learned that it’s not bad to fail, on the contrary it helps you grow, be ambitious for the future. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” It made me realize that life isn’t about failing or succeeding but how you do it, I have faith, I know I’ll have to retake the course, and this time I’ll change my D to an A.

Having remorse is the worst thing someone can live with. Life is too short to wake up everyday full of remorse and regrets. I think we should all live our live to the fullest, forgive and forget, with no regrets. I think that if we didn’t have so many expectations in life, we wouldn’t have regrets as well. “Maybe if I hadn’t had such high expectations everything would have turned out better.” We believe in second chances, grab them with both hands. We all had so many second chances, which we took for granted. Like I have mentioned before, life is too short to live with regrets, which is the biggest mistake someone can do. “When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.” Unless you killed someone, there should be no remorse in life. I mean we only live once, so we better live it to the fullest. We should cherish every moment we spent we our loved ones, every moment of happiness and joy. We shouldn’t hold grudges against anyway, because one day we will regret it. It’s only when we lose someone that we regret not knowing them, and spending time with them, telling them how much we loved them and how much they meant for us. Why should we regret something if there is nothing we can do to fix it happened for a reason, so we better move on and live with it and make it better with time. Failure, is the most reason why people feel unsatisfied. When someone fails at doing something he/she loves and wants to accomplish they always tend to regret their previous decisions. Whether it’ a question as why did I chose this major? I wish I had worked harder. Everyone has a purpose in life, mostly to succeed and live a happy life. Therefore, when there are some obstacles in our way we tend to think about the past and about the things we did that went wrong. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” This fear of failing makes you also afraid of regretting your decisions if you do fail. When a person fails, it means he/she is not successful. Moreover, he/she has an unsatisfactory life. To conclude, we all wish we could go back in time and fix all the wrong decisions we made, in order to have no regrets in life. This is how everybody wants to live for the rest of their lives, with no regrets. As far as I’m concerned, I would love to look back at my life and smile. Every decisions we make reflects on our personality, every mistake is a lesson.

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Citations: MLA Format:

Winston, Churchill. "" . N.p.. Web. 21 Nov 2013.
Junot, Diaz. Homecoming With Turtle. Diss. The New Yorker, 2004. Print.
Paulo, Coelho. Brida. HarperCollins, 266. 1990. Print.
Paulo, Coelho. The Alchemist. New York: HarperCollins, 1988. Print.

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