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Responsibility and Determination


Submitted By kddid00
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Personal Responsibility and Determination

Even though life gets in the way, personal responsibility is the way that I can take charge of my life. As an individual I am accountable for everything that I do because I am the only person that can determine how successful I will be in college and the workplace. Only through my determination and hard work can I steer toward accomplishing my goals that I have set for myself. It is important to keep my expectations realistic and achievable while setting the bar high enough to keep life interesting. My personal responsibility and accountability can be controlled and maintained by good time management and organization. I can manage my time by dividing up my days to work on my days to fit in time for God, my family, work and my education. By setting a specific time that I am going to work on my studies, I should be able to concentrate on the work without too much stress and neglecting my duties as a mother. Simply having the tools for school available when I need them will help me keep me on track with my education and all that it entails. Organization is already a huge part of my life because when I am organized with my time, job, and home, I find it much easier to relax. Prioritizing everyday activities at home such as laundry, working in the yard, and general household duties help me allocate my time to the things that are most important. So often, life presents us with things that “need” to be done but we always have things that we “want” to get done. By prioritizing, I can differentiate which of those things that are most important to my quality of life and help keep me organized. Another way I try to stay organized is by having an effective filing system. Whether it is the daily mail or my daughter’s papers from school, I only want to have to touch them once. Basically, that means that after I look at them, they are filed where there need to go. Now, that is the best laid plan but does not always work so I have a back up file plan. That means that I have a designated area that once I have gone through the mail and papers and have kept what is important, that I place them in this area until I have to time actually put them in the file where they belong. Another area that seems to be overwhelming and I will strive to be better organized is with my electronic correspondences such as emails. It is just as important to file those away so that they can be recovered with ease and that all others are discarded and not cluttering up my in-box. Hard work and determination has been pounded into me all of my life and that with it there is nothing that I am not capable of doing. Studying is an area that I have to try especially hard in. My attention span is very short and I tend to get distracted easily. My plan to address some of the distractions that I have while studying include: creating a workspace separate of the busiest part of my home; designating a time each day that is strictly for studying; working on the biggest school projects when I know that my daughter will be at her dad’s house; and remembering that I have prioritized what is important so that I am not constantly worried about what I need to get done at home or work that is separate of my school work. Now with all of the tools that I have been given through the University of Phoenix, it should make that work seem less daunting and easier to keep focused. This is my first time to attend school and feel like my education is sitting within reach for me to reach out and grab. With all of the determination in my soul, I am bound to succeed. Responsibilities in an adult’s life are endless but it is my responsibility to myself that I make the most of my education and career. The first step is to take charge of my life by accepting the blessed hand that God has given me and charge forth. When it comes to accountability, I am accountable to my family, my boss, to society, but most of all to myself. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (, 2012), the definition of accountability is “the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.” It is ironic how much more difficult it is to hold myself accountable and live up to the same standards that I tend to hold others to. When looking at someone else’s life from the outside, it is so easy to judge them and to say, “I can’t believe they would do that” or “If it were me, I would do this.” The thing is that I am not responsible for their lives or decisions but those of my own. It is my resolution that I am the very best student, mom, and employee that I can be and stand accountable for all that I do. I am determined with the support of the good Lord to be more accountable for my own life and not judge others so quickly. I think this quote from Margaret Thatcher sums things up, “What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.” In conclusion, although life sometimes gets in the way, personal responsibility is the way that I can take charge of my life and how I am accountable for everything that I do. Only though much determination and hard work can I steer in toward accomplishing all of the goals that I have set for myself. But most importantly, I am the only person that can determine how successful I will be in college and in the work force

Resources: Royle, M., & Hall, A. T. (2012). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN McCLELLAND'S THEORY OF NEEDS, FEELING INDIVIDUALLY ACCOUNTABLE, AND INFORMAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OTHERS. International Journal of Management & Marketing Research (IJMMR), 5(1), 21-42.

Hughes, Z. (2004). SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR SUPERMOMS. Ebony, 59(5), 54. (2001-2012). Retrieved from

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