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Returning Back to School


Submitted By clbbravefan
Words 491
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Returning To School
No matter how old I am or how long I have been out of school deciding to return to school was a really big decision. As I was reflecting about what it would mean to continue my education I was not sure I could do it. However, even though I was not certain, I knew that without a college education it will be hard to find a job that pays well enough to support my family. I also knew the benefits would be worth it in the end so that is why I decided to return to school.
Times are hard now. Most of the jobs available are minimum wage jobs that barely provides for a family. If I want a job that will have benefits and decent pay then I need a college education. Being in school has taught me many numerous things that I was not aware of. I can do different things when it comes to reading class material and understanding what I have read. Applying what I have learned helps me to comprehend lengthy material in my text book.
I have met many people in class that inspire me to do the best that I can do. Encouragement and constructive criticism from my instructors and class mates help me to do my best work. If I do not know what is wrong then I can not correct it. Moreover, I need that criticism and encouragement so that my assignments are done to the best of my ability. It is not easy being in school and being a full time mother and wife, but I have a strong support system in place and have a schedule that I plan out at the beginning of the week. While I may not have much time, I have learned that sticking to my schedule helps me the most. I plan ahead so that when life throws me an unexpected curveball I am prepared. My assignments are due on a certain day and that has been a enormous help for me.
My family requires a lot of my time, but knowing when my assignment is due will keep me from getting behind and stressing out. I recognize how easy it is to put things off. However, I have been able to turn my assignments in each week within a reasonable amount of time the day that it is due. I appreciate how my classes help me to gain the knowledge I need to be successful in the field of my desired education. I use my time wisely and I am always looking for ways to help others. My classes have helped me notice that I have the ability to do whatever I set my mind to. For example, I have learned self discipline in regards to making out my schedule. I have also learned what it means to manage my time so that I do not get overwhelmed.

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