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Ringo Starr


Submitted By scottyler
Words 1582
Pages 7
According to USA today, ever since The Beatles had their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show on Feb. 9 1964, over 50 years ago, fans still go mad over this group that is no longer together today, but whose music still lives on. The Beatles became an extremely popular and influential group in Rock n’ Roll and their music is still played all over the world. The impact that they made on the music industry has been noted for quite some time now but can’t be overstated enough. The members who made up this group were, George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr. These four men, all from Liverpool, England, met one by one over time for their love for music. John first met Paul when he impressed him with his guitar skills one night and was then invited to join Johns group at the time, The Quarrymen. Next came George who joined the group in Feb. of 1958. The three of them joined a pair of guys whose mother owned The Casbah club and they became Johnny & the Mood Dogs, and then changed to The Silver Beetles. John Lennon dreamed up the bands final name, The Beatles, mixing ‘beat’ with ‘beetle’ like the last groups name. In 1960, the Beatles toured Hamburg, Germany and were then joined by Ringo Starr, who was previously playing with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. These were the main four men, also known as the “fab four”, who made up the group we still talk and hear about today. Brian Epstein, an English music entrepreneur, was best known in his lifetime for managing the Beatles. He first discovered them in November 1961, during a lunchtime Cavern Club performance in Liverpool, England. The Beatles conquered the U.K., even inducing a classical music critic to declare them “the greatest composers since Beethoven”. The Beatles music came over to America and took over early in 1964 when “the British Invasion” launched and took over the pop charts. Their

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