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Rock Identification


Submitted By That1guy
Words 277
Pages 2
Rock Identification Key

1. Green Stone
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Non-Foliated
Type: Low-Grade
Collected: (along Mammoth Bay trail)
2. Amphibolite
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Non-Foliated
Type: Intermediate
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River)
3. Gabbro w/ Augite
Group: Igneous
Texture: Phaneritic
Type: internal
Augite Chemical Formula: (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River Bed)
4. Dacite
Group: Igneous
Texture: Aphanitic
Type: internal
Collected: (Along American River)

5. Slate
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Foliated
Type: Low-Grade
Collected: (Grass Valley, Trinity River)
6. Shale
Group: Sedimentary
Type: Clastic
Texture: Smooth
Collected: (Mammoth Bay on Shore of River)
7. Andesite
Group: Igneous
Texture: Aphanetic
Type: Extrusive
Collected: (Mammoth Bay near River)
8. Limestone
Group: Sedimentary
Texture: Fine Grain
Type: Chemical/Bio clactic
Collected: (Mammoth Bay Shore of River)
9. Andesite/Basalt (Basaltic Andesite)
Group: Igneous
Texture: Aphanetic
Type: Intermediate
Collected: (Along American River)
10. Metaconglomerate
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Non-Foliated
Collected: (Grass Valley, Trinity River)
11. Serpentine
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Non-Foliated
Type: Orthoclase
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River Bed)
12. Diorite
Group: Igneous
Texture: Phaneritic
Type: Intermediate
Collected: (Mammoth Bay, Near River)
13. Quartz
Group: Igneous
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River)
14. Chert
Group: Sedimentary
Chemical Formula: SiO2
Collected: (Mammoth Bay Trail)
15. Sandstone
Group: Sedimentary
Texture: Fine Grain
Type: Clastic
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River Edge)
16. Breccia
Group: Sedimentary
Type: Clastic
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River edge)
17. Schist
Group: Metamorphic
Texture: Foliated
Type: Intermediate
Collected: (Grass Valley, Trinity River)
18. Schist W/ Garnet
Garnet Chemical Formula: SiO4
Collected: (Mammoth Bay River)
19. Basalt
Group: Igneous
Texture: Phaneritic
Type: External
Collected: (Grass Valley, Along Trail)
20. Quartz( Possibly Quartzite)
Group: Igneous
Chemical Formula: SiO2

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